Why Does The Body Tremble When Trying To Lift More Weight?

Do you feel muscle tremors when lifting weights in the gym? Today we show you all the causes of these episodes.
Why does the body tremble when trying to lift more weight?

Weight training involves a muscular effort that we are rarely aware of. The mechanisms behind muscle hypertrophy and increased strength are not always understood by athletes. Today we explain why the body trembles when trying to lift more weight.

Contrary to popular belief, tremors of this type are very common. Most of them can be classified as normal and are due to the physiological processes related to the training itself. The causes are various.

Why does the body tremble when trying to lift more weight?

Muscle fatigue

Muscle fatigue is the main reason why the body trembles when it lifts more weight. This is why most episodes are reported at the end of training or, in any case, during the last repetitions.

Researchers are not sure what the complete mechanism is. It is believed that the main cause is the disruption of the neural motor connection. Communication between neurons allows all muscle groups to contract. As a result, there is a decrease in muscle response, loss of strength and weakness.

At the same time and according to several studies, you may develop balance disorders and a reduction in motor control.

Muscle fatigue is a sign of body limitation. Some use it as an indicator of training efficiency; others aspire to achieve it in specific sessions. The accumulation of lactic acid and the consumption of glycogen stores have a lot to do with this process.

Exhausted woman in the gym
Fatigue can be expressed by muscle tremors when lifting weights. Denotes proximity to the force limit.

Absence of minerals

Glycogen is not the only element that the body uses when it exerts effort. Large amounts of sodium, potassium and calcium are consumed during a workout routine in the gym. You also lose these micronutrients through sweat and urine.

The mineral reserve is different for every athlete. If the training sessions are particularly long (more than an hour), it is possible to approach the minimum required by the body to function smoothly. At this time, you may feel tremors when you lift more weight or have cramps.

For this reason, people consume sports drinks during the longest workouts. Drinks of this type are also used regularly in disciplines such as football, cycling or long-distance running. They replace lost nutrients.

Lack of training

Another possible cause is physical condition. If you train after an injury or a very long period of sedentary lifestyle, then it is normal for the muscles not to respond as you were used to. Lack of training can reduce strength and even coordination in a few weeks.

This also applies to those who are trying to lift more weight than their body can handle. Progress should always be in line with individual capabilities, strength and endurance. By choosing unrealistic goals, avoid injuries.

Improper heating and lack of stretching

Stretching and warming up the muscles is a must before and after any training routine. Research certifies their importance in improving performance and avoiding injuries.

During training, you should spend at least 10 minutes stretching all muscle groups, not just those involved in running.

You should also do stretches between sets, which encourage oxygenation and help release tension. Your body is shaking because you are not stretching enough.

Why does the body tremble at exertion

Other causes that explain why the body trembles when lifting weights

The four causes above are the most common when we experience episodes like these. But they are not the only ones. Other reasons we cannot fail to point out are the following:

  • Lack of sleep: if you have a personal trainer, you have certainly heard about the importance of rest. If you do not get enough sleep, your muscles will not recover and you will not be able to perform effective workouts.
  • Overload: Researchers talk about overload syndrome, which is characterized by fatigue and poor performance. You will experience muscle tremors when you lift more weight.
  • Dehydration: Do you always drink plenty of fluids? If the answer is no, then you have discovered part of the problem.
  • Poor diet: as we have already indicated, nutrient stores vary.
  • Injuries: Muscle injuries, such as tears, can cause tremors, spasms, or pain. Make sure you follow the recovery times before lifting weights again.

Why does the body tremble when trying to lift more weight? Conclusion

Based on what I told you , you can deduce what to do and what not to do from now on to avoid muscle tremors when lifting weights. Improving the diet, consuming fluids, observing rest times, planning realistic goals and proper stretching are the priorities of any athlete.

If, despite the fact that you are considering this, you continue to experience episodes of tremors, go to a specialist to rule out any type of neuromuscular condition. Do this if the tremors are present separately from the workouts, are persistent and manifest for more than a few minutes.

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