Why Do Leg Cramps Occur?

You may have muscle cramps in your legs if you stay in the same position for too long, due to electrolyte problems or neurological diseases, among others. In this article, we will explain the most common causes and how this problem can be avoided or alleviated.
Why do leg cramps occur?

You have probably been affected by leg cramps many times throughout your life. But why do they appear?

Cramps are involuntary and sudden muscle contractions that cause pain. It is estimated that almost half of the population suffers from them. The cramps are usually temporary and benign. However, they can impede the limb’s movement for a certain period of time. Although most cramps go away on their own, they can sometimes indicate the presence of an irregularity in the body.

Muscle cramps in the legs are the most common types of cramps. They usually manifest at night, causing the affected person to wake up suddenly due to pain. Although the causes of cramps are varied, it is known that their incidence increases with age and that they tend to affect women more than men.

Because many people suffer from muscle cramps, we decided to explain the main reasons why they occur and what we can do to prevent them.

Why do leg cramps occur?

Leg cramps can have many possible causes. In fact, scientists are still trying to figure out the exact mechanism that causes them and the situations that trigger them.

However, there are certain situations that are especially related to the appearance of leg cramps. First, researchers suggest that they often occur during episodes of overwork and muscle fatigue after exercise.

Muscle cramps in the legs in athletes

Leg cramps are also related to the activity of motor neurons, which are responsible for stimulating muscle movement. Thus, leg cramps also occur in certain neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease. In addition, experts claim that certain drugs increase the frequency of cramps in the legs. In fact, cramps are a significant side effect of cancer treatments. Almost 80% of cancer patients suffer from muscle cramps.

A person who massages someone else's feet

How to prevent or relieve leg cramps

The first step in preventing muscle cramps is to try to move frequently and avoid sitting in the same position for a long time. Experts also recommend stretching exercises during the day or even before bed.

The truth is that there is no medical treatment to prevent them. Some medical specialists recommend certain vitamin or sodium and magnesium supplements. But so far, they have not proved effective.


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