Why Do Eyelashes And Eyebrows Fall Out?

To have long, voluminous and strong lashes, remove any traces of makeup from them every night, and then massage them with a little Vaseline.
Why do eyelashes and eyebrows fall out?

Dropping eyelashes and eyebrows is not an unprecedented problem. It has probably happened to all of us at least once to look in the mirror and be amazed to find that we have a few hairs missing. But why do eyelashes and eyebrows fall out?

Nowadays it is fashionable to have thick and well-defined eyebrows. Hair loss in this region is a real disaster if you want to keep up with current beauty standards.

What can you do if your eyelashes and eyebrows have already started to thin out? The possible causes of this problem are many, but the good news is that, in general, proper treatment can fix it. Find out in the following lines why eyelashes and eyebrows fall out and how you can fix the situation!

Why do eyelashes and eyebrows fall out?

Why fall eyelashes and eyebrows in women

Falling eyelashes and eyebrows is often a temporary problem. But before choosing a suitable treatment, you need to find out the cause of their fall. Here is a list of reasons to better understand why eyelashes and eyebrows fall out:


There are times when you feel more stressed than usual. In such situations , various metabolic changes take place, the level of cortisol in the blood begins to fluctuate, and the body’s functions are disturbed — all these phenomena can be manifested by falling eyelashes or eyebrows.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis

Eczema is a skin condition that usually causes redness, itching and discomfort. If you have eczema, you will need to see a dermatologist.

Eczema can affect the eyelid region, causing eyelashes or eyebrows to fall out. To treat such an injury, you will need to follow proper drug treatment.

Eyebrow pinching or epilation

When you pluck your hair from the root, it can take a long time — even two weeks! —Until it grows back. When you pinch your eyebrows, be careful not to overdo it.

In addition, keep in mind that no hair can regenerate indefinitely. If you exaggerate with the thought, it is possible to run out of eyebrows in the not too distant future!

Certain medications

Certain arthritis medications can make your eyelashes and eyebrows fall out. Don’t hesitate to consult your doctor about the possible side effects of the medications you plan to take — after all, your beauty is at stake!

Metabolic changes

As you age, your metabolic rate begins to decline, making you more vulnerable to small imbalances that result in hair loss. In this situation, hair follicles are not stimulated enough, and hair growth slows down — genes, for example, will fall out faster than they can regenerate.

How can you make your eyelashes and eyebrows grow again?

Eyebrow treatment

A young woman whose eyelashes and eyebrows do not fall out

1. Increase your daily intake of folic acid, minerals (such as sulfur) and vitamins A, B3 and E. Among the natural sources from which we can obtain these nutrients are:

  • Yeast
  • eggs
  • Turkey meat
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Onion
  • Peaches
  • peppery

2. Take advantage of the benefits of rosemary and castor oil: Both can be easily purchased from any ceiling. All you have to do is moisten a piece of cotton wool in one of these two oils and use it to massage your eyebrows. Apply this treatment every morning and evening, and the eyebrows will grow back.

Eye treatment

A woman whose eyelashes and eyebrows don't fall out

1. Massage with olive oil: You can try this trick before bed. Soak a piece of cotton wool in olive oil and apply it on the follicles of your eyelashes. It’s not hard at all!

2. Vaseline: In the evening, when you get home, the first thing you need to do is remove any traces of makeup from your eyelashes and eyelids. Then massage your lashes with a little Vaseline. This trick will help your lashes to become stronger and thicken.

3. Castor oil : Castor oil can stimulate hair growth, which is why it is an ideal remedy if your eyelashes and eyebrows fall out. All you have to do is soak a piece of cotton wool in this oil and apply it on your lashes every night. In just a few weeks, you will have long and beautiful eyelashes again.

4. Chamomile: How about making a cup of chamomile tea? Just follow the steps below!


  • 1 sachet of chamomile tea or 20 g of dried chamomile
  • Half a cup of water (100 ml)

Method of preparation:

Bring the water to a boil and add the chamomile. After boiling for 15 minutes, take the tea off the heat and let it cool a little — but not too much, as it is recommended to be warm when applied to the eyelashes.

Soak a cotton swab in the prepared chamomile tea and use it to massage your lashes. Try this trick every day if your eyelashes and eyebrows fall out immediately after cleansing.

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