When Is Family Therapy Needed?

Do you feel that your family dynamics are conflicting? In this article, we will explain what family therapy is and when it is needed.
When is family therapy needed?

When is family therapy needed? Human social relationships are complex, even among family members. Family therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach that aims to improve the interaction between family members.

In this article, we will show you when family therapy is needed. In addition, we will analyze some of its basic principles and tell you in which cases it can be effective.

What is family therapy?

The purpose of family therapy is to detect the main problems that affect its members. Therefore, it is a therapeutic process that aims to improve coexistence.

During family therapy, issues such as assertive communication, frustration tolerance, and recognition of one’s own emotions and those of others are addressed. This is done to improve the adaptability of family members.

Licensed psychologists, therapists and, in some cases, social workers offer this type of therapy. Family therapy does not take long, because its main purpose is to solve specific problems.

What are the benefits of family therapy?

Girl going to family therapy
Sometimes families need professional help to improve communication.

Another aspect that leads to family conflicts is mistrust. When adverse situations destroy family trust, relationships deteriorate rapidly.

To develop trust, family members need to understand that some things cannot be changed, which is why they need to accept them and move on. They will feel much better once they do this.

Eventually, they will be able to put their trust in other family members. This process does not always take place in the same way. In some families, relationships can be harder to repair.

When is family therapy needed?

A family will need the help of a therapist when it is immersed in a situation that affects all its members. People first try to seek help on their own. In this case, the therapist should suggest family therapy.

As mentioned above, not all family members will decide to participate in the process. It is best for each family member to go voluntarily, with the desire to apply therapeutic resources in daily life.

Every family has problems. However, when conflicts become recurrent and intense, the family unit may collapse. The family therapist should be consulted when the discomfort is long-lasting and intense.

Arguing family
Aggression is not the same as violence. However, the therapist’s role is to guide aggressive people to avoid major problems.

The characteristics of a healthy family

What to do if the family does not want to go to therapy

If a person’s family refuses to go to therapy, they may decide to go it alone to acquire essential communication skills. He could then try to get the other family members to volunteer for the process.

In some cases, the therapist may contact family members to invite them to a session. It doesn’t matter if you decide to go to therapy alone, because this first step could help improve the family’s situation.

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