What Is The Cauliflower Ear And Why Does It Appear?

If you are a fan of contact sports or practice one, you have probably heard about cauliflower ear or rugby ear. Do you want to know why this deformation occurs? Read more!
What is cauliflower ear and why does it appear?

Exercising is an activity that helps maintain the health of the body. However, athletes can have various injuries. Cauliflower ear is one of the most common injuries in contact sports.

The medical term for this condition is hematoma auris. It is an irreversible deformity of the ear resulting from severe trauma or repeated blows. This anomaly is common in people who are passionate about rugby, wrestling or mixed martial arts.

Cauliflower ear is more common in men than in women. Studies have shown that up to 84% of male fighters have this abnormality. Although it is irreversible, there are various treatments that can alleviate the problem.

The main symptoms of cauliflower ear

  • Redness
  • Sensation of warmth to the touch
Cauliflower ear in women
Cauliflower ear is common in boxing, but it is not the only circumstance in which it occurs.

What are the complications that occur if the cauliflower ear is not treated?

The main complication is aesthetic, because the condition is able to produce a complete deformity of the ear in extreme cases. In addition, studies have shown that this condition has the ability to obstruct the external auditory canal and cause hearing problems.

On the other hand, there is evidence linking the cauliflower ear to deafness. In addition, patients with deformities are more likely to develop ear infections than those without them.

For many years it was thought that the pathology was associated with dementia. However, it was concluded that the neurological symptoms developed were the result of constant blows to the head. Other common complications in patients with cauliflower ear include the following:

Why does the cauliflower ear appear?

As already mentioned, this deformity occurs due to a strong blow or repeated trauma to the ear. This action will generate the formation of a hematoma, which will detach the auricular cartilage from the perichondrium, a tissue that provides the necessary nutrients.

It is important to remember that the ear contains cartilage, so it has no direct blood supply. It receives nutrients through the perichondrium, an attached connective tissue that contains a large amount of blood.

The auricular cartilage will not be able to receive the nutrients needed for maintenance as a result of separation, and the cells that make it up will die. This will cause the hematoma to fold and there will be an excessive production of fibrous connective tissue. Both the folding of the hematoma and the proliferation of the scar tissue are the factors that give the abnormal configuration to the outer ear.

Treatments available for cauliflower ear

Timely medical intervention is able to prevent the death of cartilage and improve the physical appearance of the ear. In this regard, it is recommended to apply ice to the area to try to reduce bleeding and avoid bruising.

The specialist may try to drain the localized blood through an incision. Syringe aspiration was insufficient. Once the blood is drained, the doctor will proceed to join the tissues through the seams.

Your doctor will recommend applying constant pressure to the affected ear to prevent further bruising. In addition, the ear is an area prone to infections, and the specialist may recommend the use of antibiotics.

This is a deformity that can recur in many patients, which is why the affected part should be checked frequently.

Cauliflower ear can be treated with a surgical procedure called otoplasty, which will try to improve the physical appearance of the ear. It is important to remember that it will not return to normal, but will only look more pleasant.

The procedure involves exposing the atrial cartilage to the back. Once exposed, the specialist will proceed to remove some parts of it, looking for an anatomical configuration.

It is a quick surgery that has no major complications. However, general anesthesia may be required. Recovery time does not exceed 6 weeks.

Doctor treating cauliflower ear
Cauliflower ear can be associated with a narrowing of the ear canal, which leads to decreased hearing.

Cauliflower ear prevention and recommendations

A permanent injury that is a symbol of pride

Despite causing total deformation, the cauliflower ear is proudly worn by many mixed martial arts fighters. It is considered a sign of respect and a proof of commitment to sport.

However, it must be borne in mind that it is an injury to a part of the body that should not be underestimated. This distortion can lead to hearing problems. Corrective surgery should not be ruled out.

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