Watermelon Peel – 6 Surprising Uses

Don’t throw melon peel in the trash! Did you know that it is one of the healthiest components of this fruit? Read on to find out why.
Watermelon peel - 6 surprising uses

Don’t throw melon peel in the trash! Did you know that it is one of the healthiest components of this fruit? Read on to find out why.

Watermelon is a very healthy fruit. It is an ideal ingredient to keep the body hydrated and remove toxins. But most of us tend to neglect an important component of it when we serve it: watermelon peel.

In general, watermelon peel ends up in the trash, despite the impressive benefits it offers. Want to know what they are?

The surprising benefits of watermelon peel

Watermelon peel offers many unsuspected benefits

As mentioned earlier, watermelon offers many benefits. Here are some of the most interesting benefits of watermelon peel:

1. Slow down aging

The appearance of wrinkles and damage to the body are caused by the action of free radicals. The best weapons against them are vitamin A, vitamin C and lycopene. All these nutrients are found in watermelon peel. For this reason, this component of the fruit has an antioxidant effect .

To take advantage of the benefits of watermelon peel, you have two options. You can either apply the peel directly to the skin or consume it. Both options are effective, but the latter is stronger. You can include the white part of the watermelon peel in smoothies or fruit juices.

2. Clean the skin of the face

Among other things, watermelon peel keeps your face clean

Watermelon has astringent properties. Thus, watermelon peel is an ideal ingredient to cleanse the skin. By applying it directly, you remove impurities and you no longer have to resort to commercial skin care products.

Basically, you save money and invest in your health. In addition, avoid the unwanted side effects that some of the chemicals in commercial products can cause in the long run.

The easiest way to take advantage of this melon peel benefit is to massage your face with it. You can also add a little honey, a food with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, only good for the delicate skin of the face.

3. Improves blood circulation

Citrulline, which supports an optimal level of arginine, is another beneficial nutrient that watermelon peel contains. Due to this, the arteries remain healthy and elastic, being able to transport the blood correctly.

Therefore, watermelon peel is useful to prevent cardiovascular disease. Simply prepare a delicious juice with this component of the fruit, and your arteries will be grateful.

4. Promotes sleep

Watermelon peel helps you get a restful sleep

The brain needs a stable level of serotonin for you to fall asleep. Unfortunately, the stress we are subjected to and the fast pace of contemporary lifestyles inhibit the production of this neurotransmitter.

Watermelon peel contains a significant amount of polysaccharides, carbohydrates that stimulate serotonin production. In addition, this component of the fruit improves the quality of sleep, helping us to sleep for many consecutive hours without waking up. With the help of the watermelon peel, you will be able to sleep better!

5. Supply the body with energy

As mentioned earlier, this component of watermelon is so beneficial that it promotes restful sleep. Thus, watermelon peel helps us face the new day full of energy.

Due to its content of vitamin B6, an essential ingredient for synthesizing magnesium and dopamine, watermelon peel gives us the energy we need to start the day right. Therefore, we advise you to frequently eat watermelon peel for breakfast.

6. Eliminate fat

Watermelon peel is also useful for burning fat

Arginine in watermelon peel supports certain processes that prevent fat deposition. Moreover, its diuretic properties stimulate the elimination of fat. For this reason, watermelon peel is an ideal ingredient if you want to maintain your figure.

3 recipes that help you take advantage of the properties of watermelon peel

1. Watermelon juice


  • At least 2 slices of watermelon
  • A few mint leaves

Method of preparation

  • First, peel the watermelon slices, cut the shells and put them in a food processor.
  • Then process until you get a homogeneous juice.
  • If you want the texture of the juice to be more liquid, strain it. But the juice obtained will be less nutritious if you do this.
  • Add a few mint leaves to make the drink more invigorating.
  • If you want to contribute to weight loss, add a little crushed ice.

With the help of this recipe, you will get a natural and refreshing drink that will strengthen your body.

2. Watermelon salad

  • Combine the pieces of watermelon peel (including the white part) with onions.
  • Season with black pepper.

Although it may seem strange, it is worth trying this preparation. You will love it!

3. Cold watermelon soup

You have several options. One of the most tasty, invigorating and beneficial soups based on this food is kiwi soup, melon and watermelon.

  • Simply process these ingredients with the help of a food processor until you get the desired consistency.

As you well know, we cannot buy watermelon at any time of the year. But you can stock up for the winter by freezing the fruit in the summer. After all, frozen foods do not lose their beneficial properties.

Are you going to try the above recipes to take advantage of the beneficial properties of watermelon peel? Do you know any other recipes? Do not hesitate to share them with us in the comments section!

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