Virnant: Plant With Magical Uses

Ruta graveolens is commonly used to reduce stress and anxiety. It is said that when this plant withers, it absorbs negative energies from the environment.
Virnant: the plant with magical uses

Virnant is a plant with both female and male flowers, which is said to have unusual and profound effects. In this article you can learn more about the effects and uses of virnant, especially about those considered “magical”.

Virnant: properties

Virnant is an aromatic perennial plant with small, yellow-green flowers. It grows in dry regions, being well adapted to the Mediterranean climate. It is preferred for cultivation near homes and in gardens, due to its strong aroma and ability to remove insects, especially from certain cereal crops.

Many ancient civilizations used this plant and some of them even glorified its powers. The Romans cultivated this plant and used to carry it with them when they came in contact with prisoners, considering that it could ward off evil. The Chinese used it to neutralize negative thoughts or desires, and the Celtic wizards believed that it provided protection against spells and that it had medicinal properties. Virnant was a sacred plant to the early Jews and Egyptians and to the Chalcedonians, who considered it a gift from the gods.

In America, a long time ago, the virnant was used by the natives for spells, claiming that if such a twig is put in the moonlight, before giving it to the loved one, one can win its heart forever.

When and how is the virnant used?

It is said that it is much more effective (both as a medicine and with a magical role), if it is planted by the person who uses it, because the energy of that person will remain in the leaves and stem of the plant. That is why you must take into account when planting it, so that it retains all its beneficial properties.

  • Never plant it when you are upset, depressed or stressed.
  • Women should not plant virnants when they are menstruating.
  • If you plant the virnant without believing in its special qualities or simply out of curiosity, to check its effects, you will not be able to benefit from its properties.
  • Give yourself time to plant it, but don’t overdo it. In addition, make sure it has enough light and water.

Virnant has two types of plants: male (with large leaves) and female (with small leaves). Plant the male plants on the left side of the garden and the female ones on the right side.

Never plant the canopy in the part of the garden where cats usually walk – although this can be a great way to keep them away from a particular area. It also repels frogs.

If you notice that the varnant is starting to dry or fade, do not worry and do not try to save it – it is a clear sign that it absorbs negative energy from the environment and that it will bring you luck.


What are the medicinal properties of virnant?

It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Among its best known properties are:

  • Strengthening arteries, protecting capillary walls and reducing varicose veins and edema, relieving other circulation problems and preventing internal bleeding.
  • It is beneficial for digestion, prevents stomach pain and heartburn, reduces bloating and relieves indigestion, stimulating liver function. It is very good to be used after a hearty meal.
  • It has antispasmodic properties and helps treat diarrhea, abdominal cramps and cramps in general.
  • Supports healthy menstrual flow, but is not recommended for pregnant women because it can cause miscarriage.
  • Reduces stress, anxiety, calms nervousness and helps against insomnia, due to its sedative effects.
  • Soothes pain or shock, reduces inflammation caused by rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Supports weight loss by reducing fluid retention and stimulating the elimination of fat from tissues.

Be careful that if consumed in large quantities, virnant can be toxic, especially if the oil in this plant is ingested (it is for external use only). Use the tea in the form of tea, only 12 leaves per 1 liter of water. After boiling, let it infuse for another 10 minutes, then strain it and drink 2 cups a day.

What are the magical properties of virnant?

If you are interested in magic, use the virnant to attract positive energies to your home and workplace:

  • Protects: One of the most well-known benefits is that it protects the one who plants it.
  • It attracts positive energy: the virnant brings us to life the person we need, whether in love, in the family or at work.
  • It has therapeutic properties: as we have shown above, virnant helps to treat many diseases and dysfunctions.
  • Fight negativity: if you live in an environment with negative energies and vibrations, keep a whirlwind around you to absorb the negative energies that disturb your home.

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