Try 3 Detoxifying Water Recipes

Water enriched with natural flavors helps you not only eliminate toxins, but also more easily consume your daily fluid needs. 
Try 3 detoxifying water recipes

We recommend these detoxifying water recipes to cleanse your body and flatten your abdomen. Having a flat abdomen is not an easy task, as fat tends to accumulate mainly in this area of ​​the body. Exercise and a healthy diet may not be enough to get rid of this excess.

A swollen abdomen can be the result of several factors, such as water retention and the accumulation of toxins in the body. It is very important to detoxify your body regularly and stimulate the elimination of waste by providing the nutrients your body needs in this process.

This “improved” water hydrates your body and provides it with the nutrients it needs to eliminate toxic substances and excess fluids. In addition, it is an excellent way to increase the daily consumption of water, due to the delicious taste that this liquid acquires.

Detoxifying water recipes for a flat stomach

Detoxifying water recipes with lemon

To prepare this drink, you just need to combine all the ingredients in a carafe of water. It is good to let the liquid sit for a few hours before drinking it, to become more concentrated.


  • 700 ml of cold water
  • Fresh slices of cucumber
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 sliced ​​lemon
  • 1/4 sliced ​​orange

How does this drink work?

  • Mint helps digestion and relieves abdominal cramps.
  • Cucumber contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties that combat water retention and inflammation of the abdomen.
  • Orange strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol. 
  • Lemon improves digestion and is a detoxifier.

Detox water recipes that help you control your appetite

Strawberry detox water recipes

Lust is another obstacle you face when you want to lose weight and have a flat stomach.

This drink stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body, it is full and full of nutrients that help you control your appetite. As with the previous recipe, all you have to do is add the ingredients to a carafe of water, let them sit for a few hours and drink the liquid throughout the day.


  • 700 ml of cold water
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • 1 sliced ​​strawberry
  • 1/2 sliced ​​lemon
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 sliced ​​apple

How does this drink work?

  • Water hydrates the body and helps eliminate toxins.
  • Mint has digestive properties that help relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that prevent premature aging and disease.
  • Lemon fights constipation, balances the pH level in the body and facilitates the elimination of waste from the body.
  • Cinnamon regulates blood sugar, which helps reduce cravings and prevent the consumption of empty calories.
  • Last but not least, apple contains fiber, antioxidants and other important nutrients that help control appetite and activate metabolism.

Detoxifying water recipes that cleanse the body

Add mint to detoxifying water recipes

This detoxifying water recipe helps eliminate toxins from the body and fights water retention. It contributes to the health of the whole body and flattens your abdomen.


  • 700 ml of cold water
  • Watermelon slices
  • 1 sliced ​​cucumber
  • 1 lime or a sliced ​​lemon
  • Fresh mint leaves

How does this drink work?

  • This drink has ingredients that contain a large amount of water with detoxifying properties.
  • Watermelon contains antioxidants that fight free radicals, preventing premature aging and chronic diseases. In addition, the high water content of watermelon helps eliminate toxins and excess fluids.
  • Cucumber has properties similar to those of watermelon, being in turn rich in water and antioxidants. They help prevent disease and inflammation of the abdomen and soothe food cravings.
  • Lime, like lemon, regulates intestinal transit, stimulates bile production and helps you lose weight. Bile is produced by the gallbladder and helps digest fats.

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