Treatment For Stretch Marks With Natural Remedies

Everyone knows that stretch marks are not dangerous to health, but it can also be embarrassing when wearing, for example, a swimsuit at the beach. There are solutions to alleviate stretch marks using lotions that can be made from ingredients found in most homes.
Treatment for stretch marks with natural remedies

Stretch marks are among the most unpleasant problems that bother women, for aesthetic reasons. By reading this article, you will find some tricks to improve the appearance of areas on your body and some home remedies for stretch marks.

What are stretch marks?

In some cases, there are marks on the skin caused by sudden, but forced and prolonged stretching. This causes a rupture of the tissues, at the level of the skin, appearing a kind of scar.

Stretch marks can be divided into two categories.  Sometimes, they occur due to too much pressure on the tissues or due to the reduction of their elasticity. On the other hand, they can occur due to an excess of cortisol, ie after a treatment in which corticosteroids are taken in high doses, for a long period of time.

In what area of ​​the body do stretch marks usually appear?

Areas with stretch marks

Unsightly marks generally appear on the abdomen, chest, hips and buttocks. At first, they look like reddish bruises, then they become more prominent and have a different color than the skin.

How can stretch marks be prevented?

Once they appear, it is difficult to remove these unsightly marks from the body. As they say, it is easier to prevent than to repair. What if the little disaster happened?

Blood circulation should be as good as possible, so focus on some natural solutions that are beneficial in this regard. Eat red fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, etc.

Another solution could be lymphatic drainage massage, which facilitates the elimination of fluid accumulated in certain tissues of the body.

Another way to prevent stretch marks could be by increasing the level of collagen in the skin. Collagen is an essential protein for the structure of tissues and organs. Collagen levels can be sustained by eating foods that have vitamin C. So eat peppers, kiwi, oranges, spinach, tomatoes, guava, broccoli, etc.

Also moisturize the skin is a good way to prevent stretch marks. You should use a nourishing cream daily to maintain the elasticity of the skin.

Last but not least, try to control your weight, because, as mentioned before, sudden changes in body weight can cause stretch marks.

If I already have stretch marks, how can it be alleviated?

Although stretch marks are difficult to remove completely, there are some tricks to improve the appearance of the areas affected by them.

First of all, it is good to know that in order for the treatments to work, it is necessary to apply them constantly and regularly. Stretch marks occur due to tissue rupture, and resolving this problem takes time. But don’t be discouraged! You will see that pleasant results will appear.

Treatment for stretch marks with vitamin E.

There are two ways to get vitamin E. Through capsules found in pharmacies, from which the oil can be taken to apply to areas affected by stretch marks.

You should do such a massage at least once a day after the bath. After 15 minutes of applying vitamin E oil to the skin, you can use a damp towel to wipe it off.

The second source of vitamin E is found in certain foods, including olive, almond or soy oils. It should also be applied once a day after bathing.


Beets against stretch marks

Grind a beet and a peach, which are mixed, and if the paste is too thick, thin it with a tablespoon of almond oil. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes on areas with stretch marks, then washed with cold water. Hot water may make the skin sensitive and may cause stretch marks to worsen.

Treatment for carrot stretch marks

Also from the kitchen we can use a very useful vegetable for preparing a treatment for stretch marks, carrots. Carrots should be steamed and mashed, then applied to the affected areas. This paste must stay on the skin for at least half an hour to take effect.


Avocado paste against stretch marks

It is known that avocado has many benefits and can be used to solve many health problems. Grind half of the avocado and mix with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. This mixture is applied to the skin in circular motions for 15 minutes every day.

Another way to prepare avocado as a treatment against stretch marks is to grind and mix with a tablespoon of olive oil, which is more fluid and easier to apply on the affected areas of the body.


This wild plant is often used for medicinal purposes, so it can be bought in health food stores or pharmacies. Horsetail contains a large amount of silicon, which makes this plant a natural cell regenerator.

Prepare a mixture of 100 grams of leaves mixed with eight drops of lemon and a liter of alcohol at 40 degrees, which is left to soak for a month. After a month, dilute the mixture with half the amount of water and massage the affected areas twice a day.

Treatment for stretch marks with sugar and coffee

Sugar and coffee for exfoliation

Any treatment for stretch marks should also include exfoliation. It is necessary to remove the dead cells so that the new cells have a free path. Two good natural exfoliating products that are available to anyone can be coffee and sugar. They can be combined with any of the aforementioned oils, for example with olive oil.

Homemade aloe vera cream

– 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil;

– 1/4 cup aloe vera gel;

– 6 vitamin E capsules;

– 4 capsules of vitamin A.

Preparation: Mix all ingredients using a mixer.

The preparation should be applied to the affected areas of the body by massaging gently until it is absorbed into the skin. The remaining cream can be put in a clean container and stored in the refrigerator.

Outdoor movement and sports

Exercise and exercise help oxygenate cells and develop muscles. Outdoor activities also allow effective absorption of vitamin D, which is very important for improving the appearance of the skin.

The recipes described above are among the most effective solutions against stretch marks. We hope you find it useful, and if you know other methods that can be applied at home, available to anyone, we would like to share them together with everyone.

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