Toxic Shock And Use Of Tampons: Be Careful!

Toxic shock syndrome is caused by certain bacteria that usually grow in humid environments. If not discovered in time, it can have fatal consequences. 
Toxic shock and the use of tampons: be careful!

Toxic shock syndrome is not new. Unfortunately, despite efforts to prevent it, it continues to cause casualties around the world.

This serious disease is caused by certain toxins produced by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The multiplication of this bacterium is associated with feminine hygiene products, such as tampons.

Although this syndrome is not very common, a few cases in recent years have caused concern, as many of them have had serious consequences.

One of the best known cases is that of the American supermodel Lauren Wasser, who lost a leg due to this disease attributed to the use of tampons. The 27-year-old started a legal battle against Kotex Natural Balance products for the infection that almost caused her death.

Although some rumors assure us that only half of the reported cases are exclusively associated with the use of tampons, there are strict recommendations regarding these products. 

What is toxic shock syndrome?

Tampons can cause toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome (OSH) is a serious and sometimes fatal condition caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus   and group A streptococcus . They  develop abnormally and produce a toxin strong enough to cause death by septic shock.

This syndrome can affect anyone. But the first cases were identified among women who used tampons during menstruation.

The first cases were discovered in the 1980s by microbiologist Philip Tierno and his team. They established that the disease is based on conditions conducive to the development of bacteria created by synthetic materials.

Although the use of hazardous materials for industrial purposes has been banned, the disease continues to be a worldwide problem.

It should be noted, however, that most cases of OSH are associated with circumstances other than the use of tampons, such as certain surgeries.

Why is the use of tampons associated with toxic shock syndrome?

Toxic shock syndrome is associated with the use of menstrual pads

To date, the link between the use of tampons and toxic shock syndrome has not been fully proven. But multiple cases in recent years attest to this association.

Bacteriologists claim that, given the absorption power and positioning of these products in the vagina, staph increases the production of toxins. In addition, they find the ideal environment to multiply.

Moreover, a higher concentration of oxygen is created in this area, which increases the risk of developing infections.

Therefore, it is recommended to use these products with caution. Always choose the ones with the lowest absorption power.

Under no circumstances should you use the same tampon for more than eight hours.

What are the symptoms of toxic shock syndrome?

Affected people generally experience a general feeling of discomfort, accompanied by high fever, confusion and dizziness.

As it progresses, the syndrome also causes a drop in blood pressure, skin problems, vomiting and diarrhea. 

With a sudden and unexpected onset, the disease can have serious consequences, such as kidney failure and liver and heart problems.

If left untreated, OSH can lead to death.

What is the treatment?

Toxic shock syndrome should be treated immediately

Generally, the treatment of this disease consists in the administration of fluids and antibiotics that stop the production of toxins. Medicines are also used to recover vital signs, ie to regulate blood pressure and stabilize fluid levels in the body.

In the presence of an abscess, drainage is performed to remove pus from the area.

The patient should be kept under medical observation to monitor their blood pressure, respiration and internal organ activity.

What precautions can you take?

Take certain precautions to prevent toxic shock syndrome

Infections caused by tampons are rare, but no woman is exempt from this risk. To prevent such problems, follow the tips below.

  • You should not hold a tampon in your vagina for more than 8 hours. In fact, it is advisable to change it once every 4-5 hours.
  • If you have a heavy period, it is better to use absorbents or a menstrual cup.
  • If possible, use tampons only on certain occasions, such as when you are at the beach, exercising or dressing in certain clothes.
  • The best option is low absorption pads. Why? The more fluid I absorb, the higher the risk of getting sick.
  • Buffers should be kept in a cool, dry place to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Toxic shock syndrome is a condition that requires immediate medical attention. Otherwise, the consequences can be fatal. 

It is recommended that you go to the doctor or hospital immediately if you experience the symptoms listed above, especially if you have also identified the risk factors mentioned.

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