Top 5 Mistakes Of Jealous People

Jealousy is one of the main causes of the deterioration of a relationship and subsequent separations. So, you have to keep this emotion in check before it can destroy your relationship.
The 5 main mistakes of jealous people

Many people feel that jealousy is a sign that they love their partner. But such feelings and attitudes have more to do with insecurity and low self-esteem – as long as they are unfounded, of course.

It is true that each of us was jealous at one point. However, you need to be able to tell the difference between a natural episode of jealousy and toxic behavior that can destroy you and your partner.

These mistakes are unhealthy physically and mentally, both for the jealous individual and for his relationship. Read on to find out more about the biggest mistakes of jealous people.

Mistakes of jealous people in a relationship

Although jealousy is generally related to the person experiencing it and their fears, there are certain situations that are part of sick love games that determine how partners relate to each other.

1. Jealous people exhaust their partner

Mistakes of jealous people in a relationship

Jealous people are very insecure, which is why they try to control their permanent partner. They want their chosen one to be with them all the time and can’t stand the idea that he or she might be interested in someone else.

The consequence of this behavior is that the “suffocated” partner will begin to feel depressed and will try to defend his right to personal space. Obviously, the jealous individual will not be satisfied with this behavior.

Another possible consequence that jealous people do not foresee is that their partner may choose to break up with them. The problem is that they do not realize what the other is feeling. Their jealousy inhibits the ability to empathize.

2. Hunting for “evidence”, among the biggest mistakes of jealous people

There is a phenomenon called the “Pygmalion effect”, which refers to the following scenario. When we are convinced that something is going to happen and we behave as if it is going to happen, in the end the event actually takes place. Jealous people, who are in a constant hunt for evidence that their partner is cheating on them, often fall victim to the “Pygmalion effect”.

A simple message from a co-worker or a conversation with a friend can trigger heated arguments. The jealous individual criticizes his partner and accuses him: “You don’t love me!” Ultimately, this type of attitude could help jealous people discover what they hoped not to find. Basically, their behavior turns their fears into reality.

3. He refuses to ask for help

A big disadvantage of the fact that jealous people have the impression that the way they act is natural and is a proof of love is that they refuse to see that they are sabotaging their relationship on their own. As a consequence, the connection between the partners deteriorates. Over time, the relationship may become toxic to both people involved.

A positive measure is to ask for help. Thus, communication between partners will improve, and the jealous will begin to see that this emotion is based on unfounded beliefs and causes irrational fears.

4. Jealousy does not disappear overnight

The jealous partner may frequently say, “I’ll change.” But the truth is that such a change is a slow process. It would be best for him or her to seek the help of a specialist.

Jealous people make promises when their loved one threatens to leave them. Unfortunately, the changes cannot take place overnight. To get rid of jealousy, you need to give up certain beliefs that have turned it into a “normal” component of your relationship.

5. “Explode” suddenly

Couple crying after an argument

Because of distrust of their partner, jealous people tend to be in a bad mood. So when they happen to find little “evidence” that seems to confirm their fears, there is a risk of suddenly unleashing all the anger they hold in them. This only exhausts their partner. In fact, many are beginning to lie just to avoid this type of confrontation.

Jealous people often tend to lose their temper after several confrontations, and in some circumstances the consequences can often be tragic.

The jealous person must change for the sake of both partners

Last but not least, jealous people need to understand that the solution is not for their partner to behave the way they want. On the contrary, they themselves have to change their way of thinking. That’s the only way I can have a healthy relationship.

Otherwise, jealousy will lead to separation in most cases. The reason is that the situations they cause are very uncomfortable.

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