Tips For Odor-free Absorbent Towels

All you need are two natural ingredients: vinegar and baking soda. With the help of vinegar you will have softer towels, without bacteria, and baking soda neutralizes odors and disinfects.
Tips for odor-free towels

In this article we will present you a series of tips through which you can have soft, absorbent and odorless towels. 

Surely it has happened to you, and maybe not just once,  take a shower and want to wipe with towels, but notice that they have an unpleasant odor or do not absorb water when you want to use them. The same can happen with new towels.

But how can we have towels that always smell good ? How can we make them softer and more absorbent? In today’s article we will give you some tips, very useful in everyday life, to have absorbent towels, soft and odorless. From now on, it will be much more pleasant to spend time in the bathroom or shower.

Tips for softer, absorbent and odorless towels

It sometimes happens to us when we buy towels or bathrobes that they are rougher. Usually, the cause of this problem is the paint used in their manufacture. Therefore, many people prefer to wash them with hot water first, to be a little softer.

The truth is that it doesn’t matter what material these towels were made of (American cotton or another type of fiber); all will retain moisture and, at some point, will end up smelling bad.

But that’s not all. There is also a risk that this moisture will favor the appearance of bacteria. What can we do? Do not worry. Here are some simple tips for odorless towels:

You need:

  • 1 cup (250 ml) with white vinegar (or distilled vinegar)
  • 1/2 cup (125 g) baking soda (or baking powder)
  • Hot water

How to use

With baking soda, you have soft towels
  • Use the washing machine. Choose those towels that you want to make softer or older ones that have caught an unpleasant odor and are no longer as absorbent as in the beginning. Set a high temperature in the washing machine and pour a cup of vinegar already diluted with water. Then let the machine complete a cycle. It’s very easy!
  • The next step is very simple: Start a new cycle in a washing machine, using hot water again, but given to it added sodium bicarbonate. It is very important not to mix the two ingredients. Wait for the wash cycle to end and spread the towels to dry. You will see a change for the better!

What is the right way to have more absorbent and pleasant-smelling towels?

Get soft towels using vinegar

Science can explain this simple remedy. Sometimes we have more confidence in the advertising of products such as detergents or laundry conditioners, believing that we will get better results. But in reality the opposite is true. Too many chemicals, too many harmful ingredients can be harmful to fabrics, making them less absorbent and wear out faster.

  • White vinegar: contains acetic acid, an essential element for removing bacteria and moisture retained in the towel fabric. At the same time, white vinegar makes the material softer.
  • Baking soda: As you know, this is a natural element, ideal for daily cleaning. It is a good disinfectant, removes dirt and grease and neutralizes odors. These wonderful properties are due, above all, to the fact that it is an effective alkaline product, much better than a detergent.

Suggestions to have dry towels with a pleasant smell

Towels that smell nice

We are sure you knew many of these tips for soft and odorless towels. But it never hurts to have a few ideas for better-kept towels. Think only of the moisture that can accumulate in the fabric and can cause bacteria to appear, which later cause unpleasant and unwanted allergic reactions. It’s worth trying to avoid.

Did you know that?

  • Bacteria love moisture, so after using the towels in the shower or bath, hang them so that they can dry. You do not need to wash them after each use, but it is very important that they dry completely. Otherwise, bacteria appear that cause an unpleasant odor and increase the risk of allergies.
  • Be careful not to use too much detergent when washing towels. What detergents do is allow chemicals to settle on towels, in their fabric, making them tougher over time. Therefore, towels will no longer be as absorbent. So, don’t forget: use only the required amount of detergent.
  • As for the conditioner, we recommend using white vinegar. It is a natural product and makes the materials fluffier, without negative effects. You will have good towels longer, more pleasant to the touch and more absorbent.
  • Remember that you need to pay special attention to clothing and towels for children and babies. Instead of using a laundry conditioner that contains chemicals, use these natural ingredients. You already know that your reliable allies are vinegar, baking soda and even lemon, for house cleaning.

And it doesn’t even pollute! Didn’t I convince you?

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