The Links Between Depression And Cancer

Recent studies show that depression can increase the risk of cancer. Don’t worry, though: depression is also an indication that you should take more care of your physical and mental health, which can help you prevent many illnesses. 
The links between depression and cancer

Recent studies have found that  long-term depression predisposes the affected person to cancer and death. Thus, there has been some link between depression and cancer.

What is the explanation?

Is there really a link between depression and cancer?

The link between depression and cancer

Depression results from a complex interaction between social, psychological and biological factors. It can cause various complications at different stages of life.

When you suffer from depression for a long time, this condition can also affect your physical health. Among other things, you could get cancer.

Evidence of depression and cancer

Various studies have associated depression with a greater predisposition to the development of several types of tumors. For example, in a study in the United Kingdom, a clinical analysis of over 160,000 adults revealed the following:

  • Many people face recurring psychological problems.
  • These people are more likely to die from pancreatic, prostate or colon cancer.

However, there is no concrete evidence that the link between depression and cancer is a cause-and-effect one. The researchers said that the study provides only some important conclusions at the statistical level.

Other research on depression

The above studies are accompanied by other scientific evidence leading to the same conclusion. The interaction between physical and mental health has been repeatedly proven. 

For example, it is already known that there is an indisputable link between the symptoms of depression and anxiety and cardiovascular disease.

Depression and cancer, two diseases that can be associated

Hormonal imbalances

The link between cancer and depression is caused by certain hormonal imbalances. Depression increases the production of cortisol, which can cause various health problems. In addition, the body’s natural mechanisms of DNA regeneration are inhibited. Thus, the immunity against cancer decreases.

Another important factor to note is that people who suffer from frequent episodes of depression are more prone to alcohol, smoking and obesity, which are risk factors for cancer.

Stress and depression

Stress occurs when a person is subjected to mental, physical or emotional pressure.

It is normal to be stressed from time to time. But if you feel it at a very high level and for long or repeated periods, stress can have serious consequences on your physical and mental health. 

During episodes of stress, the body reacts to this pressure by releasing cortisol. This hormone can cause various effects: increased blood pressure, accelerated heart rate and increased blood sugar. Although these reactions provide more energy to cope with stress, they can also cause various health problems.

Excessive stress can lead to illness

Chronic stress that is high and stretches over long periods of time can cause urinary, digestive, fertility and immune system problems.

In addition, people who experience chronic stress are more prone to common conditions such as flu, colds, headaches and sleep disorders, but also to anxiety and depression.

Stress management and protection against cancer

The association between depression and cancer

People who have been diagnosed with cancer must learn to control their stress and depression. 

First, it is important to enjoy emotional and social support. This helps to fight anxiety and depression, as well as relieve or prevent symptoms that may occur when the immune system is weakened.

Methods to reduce stress and depression

There are various ways to combat stress and depression. These include yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques and more.

In addition, you can use certain therapies that reduce mental stress. In general, healthy habits, such as a balanced diet and proper rest are an effective solution to combat stress, depression, anxiety and other diseases associated with them.

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