The Ghosting Phenomenon: Why You Should Avoid It

Ending a relationship is often painful and conflicting, but some people use ghosting as a way to break ties and avoid discomfort. Find out more in this article!
The ghosting phenomenon: why you should avoid it

Social networks have opened up a wide range of possibilities for establishing relationships online. The phenomenon of ghosting is a consequence. Has it ever happened to you?

Imagine the following situation: you meet a new person online, the conversation is great and you even have several meetings. Everything seems to be going perfectly, but the person in question suddenly disappears.

It does not read your messages, does not answer your calls and blocks your access to all its profiles. Then you never hear from her again. Welcome to the club! Your friend broke off contact without giving you an explanation or a chance to react. You just faced the ghosting phenomenon!

The phenomenon of ghosting: what are the consequences?

Girl facing the phenomenon of ghosting
Ghosting is a way for people who want to avoid conflict to end their relationships.

Human interactions are different from the advent of the Internet. Lightning relations are the order of the day, and empathy for others is now greatly reduced. We lose sight of the fact that our actions have repercussions on the feelings of others and we ignore emotional responsibility. However, ghosting can have extremely serious consequences.

The recipient may suffer and feel ashamed, humiliated and rejected. In addition, he may be affected more than usual because he is deprived of explanations. This can lead to trust issues in future relationships.

In addition, those who practice ghosting may suffer consequences. It is mainly about guilt and remorse for hurting another person with whom they shared a connection. They may also feel ashamed and uncomfortable because they do not know how to deal with problems and solve complicated social situations.

The ghosting phenomenon is not pleasant

Person who resorts to the phenomenon of ghosting
The consequences can be detrimental both to the person who has disappeared and to his or her partner.

If you are going to resort to ghosting to end a friendship, think about the consequences. You may be afraid of conflict and try to avoid an awkward situation in which the other person gets angry or sad. However, you can cause significant emotional damage if you disappear without an explanation. In fact, you may be hurt as a result of this decision. Thus, try to be empathetic and end relationships assertively.

The phenomenon of ghosting is not good for mental health

It is easy to end relationships on the internet. However, taking care of your mental space and your emotional health (and also that of others) must be a priority.

This is why you need to work on yourself and your fears, insecurities and social skills to reaffirm your values. Do it so you don’t have to resort to ghosting. Overcoming adversity will make you stronger.

Don’t forget, the decision is yours!

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