Symptoms Of Premature Labor

Premature labor is a tense situation, because the child’s life can be in danger. In this article, you will discover the symptoms that warn of the imminence of premature labor. If you experience them, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Symptoms of premature labor

Knowing how to identify the first symptoms of premature labor is very important, because low birth weight can be very dangerous for the child’s health. In this article, you will discover the signs and symptoms that you should keep in mind, which may indicate the onset of premature labor.

Risk factors associated with premature labor

Woman experiencing symptoms of premature labor

Not all women are at risk of premature labor. Below, we present some of the circumstances in which it is necessary to pay attention to any signs or symptoms that may indicate premature labor.

Many other factors have been associated with an increased risk of premature birth: for example, if the pregnant woman smokes, has a altered volume of amniotic fluid, or has a history of high blood pressure.

Symptoms of premature labor

  • Amniotic fluid leakage. If the mother notices this, she should see a doctor immediately. This means that the amniotic sac has ruptured, leading to loss of amniotic fluid.
  • Uterine contractions. Regular and frequent contractions, one every ten minutes, announce the onset of labor.
  • Cramps in the uterus. If the contractions are still mild, you may feel pain in the uterus, which can be confused with a stomach ache, especially if it is accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Changes in vaginal discharge. Another amount or viscosity, including changes in the color of the vaginal discharge is an important symptom that should be referred to a doctor.

Risks of labor and premature birth

Woman who experienced symptoms of premature labor
Regular visits to the doctor by pregnant women help to detect the risk factors associated with premature labor.

It is extremely important to pay attention to these symptoms due to the high mortality rate associated with premature labor. Therefore, the visit to the doctor at the first alarm signals is essential to avoid this unfortunate outcome.

Also, certain health problems can be prevented because the child has not yet fully developed. For this reason, mothers who are at risk of premature labor should avoid smoking, get enough rest and be healthy. All precautions must be taken.

We hope that this article has given you more information about the possible consequences of premature labor. Also, if you have an increased risk of premature birth, do not overlook any of the symptoms I mentioned above.

A premature baby can suffer from many conditions if he does not receive immediate medical attention. So, if you feel mild back pain, pressure in the uterus or notice changes in vaginal secretions, go to the doctor immediately.

It is always better to be safe than sorry later.

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