Stomach Cancer Screening In Just Two Hours

It is important to be able to detect stomach cancer as soon as possible, and this technique can detect the disease in just two hours by a simple blood test. 
Detection of stomach cancer in just two hours

The medical world is giving us great news: the detection of stomach cancer is possible in just two hours through a blood test.

Stomach (gastric) cancer is the fifth most common malignancy in the world. Even if the specialists do not know the exact cause of the disease, they claim that, in order to fight it effectively, it is essential to detect it in the early stages.

We are talking about a complex condition, which initially causes symptoms confused with common manifestations in everyday life: feeling too full, heaviness in the stomach and poor digestion.

In advanced stages, gastric cancer can be recognized by symptoms such as unexplained weight loss and the appearance of blood in the stool. At this stage, more aggressive techniques are needed to fight cancer cells.

In May of this year, a group of doctors from Mexico, Greece and Chile created a biological marker that helps detect early-stage stomach cancer. This technique requires only a blood test, and its results are available after only two hours.

The fact that the detection of stomach cancer is possible in such a short time increases the life expectancy of patients. This is great news that we want to share with everyone.

Why it is necessary to detect stomach cancer in the early stages of the disease

Stomach cancer is not as widespread or aggressive as lung cancer. Even so, every year, about one million people are diagnosed with stomach cancer. If the disease is detected at an advanced stage, it is much more difficult to treat.

Stomach tumors are more common in Pacific countries. In addition, they are associated with tobacco use. But another possible cause of stomach cancer is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. 

  • Even though it is in the gastric mucosa of many people, this bacterium can interact with other factors, leading to the creation of cancer cells.
  • Helicobacter pylori  is always a precursor to this type of cancer when the person has a specific gene: cagA, which is associated with cytotoxin.

Therefore, we can say that the likelihood of suffering from stomach cancer is a subtle combination of our lifestyle, the foods we eat, the genetic structure and the presence of certain toxins in the environment.

Gastric cancer is very difficult to prevent. However, experts say that if the disease is detected in the early stages, the survival rate is 90%. That is why it is good news that the detection of stomach cancer is possible in the early stages of development.

It is necessary to detect stomach cancer in the early stages

The creators of the biological marker

The creators of the biological marker are the Chilean engineer Alejandro Tocigl, the Greek scientist Foteini Christodoulou and the Mexican electronic engineer Jorge Soto.

  • These young researchers designed the biological marker to diagnose or rule out the possibility of gastric cancer in a patient’s body.
  • The results of their work were presented in the Singularity University program, funded by Google and NASA. The purpose of this initiative is to support various social and medical needs.
  • The study and development of this biological marker is the result of a three-year project conducted at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

A few drops of blood could save lives

A new technique for detecting stomach cancer has long been needed. Currently, people with suspected gastric cancer are consulted by doctors and have to wait a long time for results. During these consultations, patients undergo complex, invasive and expensive medical tests and procedures, such as endoscopy.

  • Adding this biological marker to a routine blood test can help detect early stomach cancer. The diagnosis may be made even before the patient has negative symptoms.
  • A device called a Miroculus examines the patient’s blood sample. This machine can detect cancer-associated molecules in the patient’s blood.
  • In addition, Miroculus can provide a diagnosis in just two hours. This device is simple, safe and effective. Let’s hope that the device will be available in other countries by 2018.
  • Given the extraordinary results obtained with Miroculus, specialists hope to be able to improve it in the future. Thus, the device could detect other types of cancer or other diseases.
  • In conclusion, the biological marker used in conjunction with Miroculus is a cheap way to detect stomach cancer. This procedure could also reduce the costs of other medical tests. In addition, this technique provides a safe and early diagnosis. But, as already mentioned, the method will not be available until 2018.
Detecting early-stage stomach cancer could save lives

It is extremely important to go to the doctor as soon as you notice certain negative changes in the body. This is the only way to detect cancer and other serious conditions in time.

Remember, preventing a disease can save your life.

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