Rice Recipe With Quick, Delicious And Healthy Peas

We will teach you how to prepare a simple recipe, but full of nutrients essential for health. It’s about pea rice.
Quick, delicious and healthy rice recipe with peas

We will teach you how to prepare a recipe for rice with peas, a preparation that concentrates high quality carbohydrates. It is a dish that contains a significant amount of protein, in addition to fiber and antioxidants.

Keep in mind that variety is one of the pillars of a healthy diet. It is important that herbal foods appear daily in the diet. Peas, for example, have more beneficial effects on health when eaten regularly.

Ingredients for a pea rice recipe

To prepare a good mix of rice with peas, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 small head of garlic
  • 100 grams of matured ham
  • 200 grams of round grain rice
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • Extra virgin olive oil and salt
  • 100 grams of frozen peas
  • 4-5 tablespoons of crushed tomatoes or sun-dried tomatoes

Keep in mind that sun-dried tomatoes often contain added sugars. Their taste may be better than that of crushed tomatoes, but the quality is lower. For this reason, we recommend that you read the labels carefully and choose a product with natural ingredients.

Pea bowl
Peas are nutritionally rich and help increase the quality of different dishes.

Step by step instructions

Cook the rice in salted water for about 15 minutes over medium heat and then drain the water. It is important not to be too soft or too hard. While the rice is boiling, sauté the onion in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Add a little salt, as well as finely chopped garlic cloves.

Wait for the ingredients to turn golden and add the diced ham. Add the paprika and continue to mix. Finally, you will need to add the crushed tomato.

Drain the rice and peas well and add them to the pan. It is important to correct the salt level and wait for everything to cook properly. It won’t take long, but you need to check the ingredients regularly.

In about 5 minutes, the preparation can be served and consumed as an appetizer or main course. It is a good option for a dinner. You can also complete the recipe with other ingredients, such as mushrooms (it is important to saute them first).

Pea rice recipe: nutritional benefits

Increases protein intake

According to a study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism , sedentary adults should have a protein intake of more than 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. Proteins can be of both animal and plant origin.

Peas are notable for their high protein concentration. It is suitable to supplement the daily intake and to ensure that the muscles recover well after a high intensity physical effort.

Helps speed up intestinal transit

It should be noted that peas are a source of fiber. This substance is essential for increasing the volume of stool and ensuring an efficient intestinal transit.

Peas activate mechanoreceptors and stimulate peristaltic movements. According to research published in the journal Nature Reviews , a proper intake of fiber reduces the risk of constipation.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that some of the fibers ferment in the intestine. Thus, fiber serves as an energy substrate for bacteria that live in the digestive tract, allowing them to reproduce and grow healthily.

Increases the feeling of satiety

Fiber has the power to increase satiety. This is demonstrated by a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition . Due to this effect, the risk of overeating is reduced, which can prevent the development of obesity.

It is important to make sure that the mechanisms of appetite and satiety work properly throughout the day. Adequate sleep at night contributes to these processes. Also, eat plenty of vegetables and exercise frequently.

Man eating a cake
Peas are an excellent option to control hunger and reduce snacks between meals.

Provides antioxidants

Like almost all plant products, peas are able to provide a large amount of antioxidants. These substances neutralize the formation of free radicals and their subsequent accumulation in body tissues.

It should be borne in mind that oxygen-reactive species may be responsible for an acceleration of inflammatory mechanisms. These processes underlie a large number of chronic and complex pathologies.

Prepare a recipe for rice with peas recipe

Preparing rice with peas is easy. It is an energetically and nutritionally balanced dish. Provides quality carbohydrates, protein and fiber. It can be included in the context of any healthy diet.

However, remember that it is important to ensure balance and variety in your diet. It is also recommended to train daily and rest well.

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