Respect And Good Manners Are Always In Fashion

On social networks, so popular today, we often notice a lack of respect between users. Because of the anonymity that these platforms provide, it is easy to be offensive and rude to other people or groups.
Respect and good manners are always in fashion

In this complex, dynamic and changing world, there are always strong roots that give us strength and support. No matter how much society evolves, there are some elements that keep us afloat: sincerity, respect and good manners, politeness, etc. 

On social networks, so popular today, we often notice a lack of respect between users. Because of the anonymity that these platforms provide, it is easy to be offensive and rude to other people or groups.

Online social media is a complex scene that reflects simultaneously the most beautiful and ugly sides of the human being. This valuable and wonderful communication tool enriches our knowledge. But if not used correctly, it can become harmful.

For these reasons, it is important to be skillful and intuitive when educating our children about online social interactions.

We need to teach them that certain things should never be missing from any scenario: respect and good manners. There are two very strong values ​​in a world where information is shared in seconds and where we can communicate quickly with people around the planet.

If we respect each other, we can create a hopeful future. 

It is worth investing in good manners. We must not let them get lost in this society where we no longer have to see each other face to face in order to make friends, in which love can be born between two people from two different parts of the world.

We invite you to reflect on this topic.

Respect and good manners on social networks

Respect and good manners must also be present on social networks

In 2014, a well-known social network, Facebook, had to invest money, time and effort to promote an aspect that seems to be on the verge of extinction: good manners.

It may seem strange and even worrying. Did I really forget what respect is? 

In fact, it’s not that I forgot. But the framework created by social networks is conducive to the adoption of sometimes dangerous behaviors, such as cyberbullying.

Oddly enough, it is sometimes easier to hurt a person than to treat them with respect, pay attention to them, or coexist in harmony. The younger generations do not always put these beneficial attitudes into practice.

To avoid or control negative behaviors, Facebook has created a character named Mr. Nice. 

Below we explain the role of Mr. Nice in the most powerful social network in the world. The newspaper The New York Times published an interesting article on the subject.

Internet harassment is an increasingly serious problem

Respect and good manners are increasingly lacking

Even Facebook managers are aware that online harassment on social networks is a growing phenomenon. 

A study by Pew Research’s Internet Project found that nearly 65% ​​of young Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 were harassed on Facebook.

  • These statistics led the leaders of the network to create Mr. Nice, a character behind which there are more than 80 employees. Their job is to promote a sense of security and respect among users.
  • For example, the option has been created to control who labels us in a picture and to check if we like the material we appear in and if we approve it.
  • Mr. Nice has a system through which he can decide which photos can be published or not on the site. In addition, offensive materials are censored. At the same time, the profiles of users who promote violence are deleted.
  • People working under the name Mr. Nice believe that all users should share posts with good intentions. Good must overcome evil. 

However, no one can measure the impact of their actions on others. Therefore, you cannot control everything.

In any case, the people who run the most famous social network in the world are aware that they have to fight every day to promote respect and good manners on their page.

Respect and good manners for a more dignified future

Respect and good manners are essential for a better world

Creating a more dignified future for us and for future generations is a step that requires will, effort and dedication.

The world situation is very complicated, with many social problems and political crises. Perhaps this prevents us from imagining a more beautiful, more dignified world, full of opportunities.

However, it is important to reflect on certain aspects:

  • Big changes are encouraged by the will and respect of many people and small entities with a major contribution.
  • Respect and good manners are values ​​that must always remain fashionable. They must be preserved in every aspect of daily life. For example, they must be present in the family, at work, but also on social networks.
  • There is one more thing to keep in mind: a good deed has a much greater impact than a hateful action. Goodness inspires those around it and is contagious.

In conclusion, it is worth planting seeds of goodness and hope in everyday life. From these seeds will grow plants that will bear the sweetest fruit.

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