Osteoarthritis Of The Ankle – A Silent And Common Disease

The health and strength of the complex structures of the ankle joint can be affected by various factors, leading to decreased quality of life.
Osteoarthritis of the ankle - a silent and common disease

Osteoarthritis of the ankle reduces the quality of life of affected people. This silent and persistent disease limits mobility. The pain felt cannot always be relieved with the help of analgesics.

Although we hear more often about hip and joint wear, ankle osteoarthritis is a very common form of osteoarthritis, associated with degenerative diseases.

We must not forget that the ankle joints are very important in terms of mobility. In addition, they perform an essential function, maintaining a harmony of the postural axis consisting of the hips, knees and feet.

Unfortunately, the health and strength of the complex structures of the ankle joint can be affected by various factors. Osteoarthritis of the ankle is certainly a real “curse” that diminishes the quality of life.

In the following we present you more information on this subject. We are sure you will find them useful.

How does ankle osteoarthritis start?

This type of osteoarthritis is caused by the progressive wear of the cartilages of the ankle joint. As we age, our joints may become stiff or deformed. Classic bone spurs are a common symptom that can cause pain, limiting the ability to move.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle can be caused by several factors

Factors that promote the appearance of ankle osteoarthritis are numerous:

  • You suffered multiple sprains. 
  • You are a performance athlete.
  • You have cysts and abnormal bone growth. 

But autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis, also promote the progressive onset of ankle osteoarthritis.

  • Traumatologists claim that there is a special form of ankle osteoarthritis that involves the deformation of the ankle itself. Over time, flatulence can also cause osteoarthritis of the ankle.

Last but not least, ankle osteoarthritis does not always have a specific cause. Many patients suffer from so-called “primary osteoarthritis”, which mainly affects the elderly.

What are the symptoms of ankle osteoarthritis?

The first alarm signal of cartilage wear at the ankle is a feeling of pain while walking. Initially, this symptom will occur only after a long walk.

  • When the patient walks, pressure or sharp pain is triggered in the ankle. These symptoms force the patient to rest for a few minutes to relieve the pain.
  • Later, the ankle may become inflamed. The patient may no longer be able to wear certain types of footwear.
  • Many patients complain of pain during the night.
  • The patient may develop painful calcaneal spurs, such as those mentioned above. This problem develops gradually due to the progressive deformation of the ankle.

Treatments for ankle osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the ankle should be treated appropriately

Injections into the ankle joint

One of the most popular treatments for ankle osteoarthritis is injections of hyaluronic acid or corticosteroids. These injections temporarily improve the mobility of the joints, lubricating them. Do not forget, however, that the effect of this treatment is only temporary.

Special insoles

In order to fight osteoarthritis of the ankle, it is essential to seek the opinion of a specialist. He will recommend an appropriate treatment depending on the symptoms.

  • Another popular remedy for this problem is orthopedic insoles. The purpose of using them is to correct the deformation of the legs.
  • In addition, orthopedic insoles reduce the impact of walking on the ankles and relieve pain.
  • There are also certain types of shoes with special insoles for ankle care.


If your traumatologist recommends that you have surgery, you will be able to relieve your symptoms with a procedure called arthroscopy.

  • This treatment is effective in the early stages of the disease, when the ankle can be corrected through a simple and quick surgery.

On the other hand, in the most severe cases (when the degradation of the joints has advanced a lot), you may have to opt for a total ankle prosthesis. In this way, you will fully regain the mobility of your joints.

How to prevent ankle osteoarthritis?

Exercises in the pool help you avoid ankle osteoarthritis

Remember, osteoarthritis of the ankle can become debilitating. It is best to take some precautionary measures to slow its progress. Here are some simple strategies:

  • Perform mobility exercises in the pool.
  • Walk on flat surfaces without roughness. 
  • Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes. 
  • Try walking around the house barefoot for a few hours, this is the ideal way to walk.

Take into account the following important aspect: osteoarthritis is generally caused by our genetic inheritance. Most likely, we will begin to experience the symptoms of this disease around the age of 55.

Consult a traumatologist to find out what measures you need to take to protect your health. You should, as much as possible, try to at least slow down the progression of the disease.

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