Omega 3-rich Foods Other Than Fish

Fatty acids have many health benefits, but you need to eat certain foods to get them. Some excellent sources of Omega 3 are flax seeds, chia seeds and soybeans. 
Foods rich in Omega 3, apart from fish

You probably already know the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. They are very healthy, but the body cannot produce them, so they must be obtained from food. The best known source of Omega 3 is fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines and tuna, but this product is not the only way to get fatty acids. Read on to discover other Omega 3 rich foods that you can add to your diet.

The role of Omega 3 essential fatty acids

  • Omega 3 fatty acids play an important role in the development and functioning of the brain. That is why it is believed that these nutrients help in the learning process. Studies have shown that babies who had an Omega 3 deficiency during pregnancy later had vision problems and complications in the nervous system.
  • These nutrients reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation.
  • They help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids

Regulates cholesterol levels

Foods rich in Omega 3 that regulate cholesterol levels

First of all, it should be mentioned that there is a type of cholesterol that does not have negative effects, but is beneficial for the heart. For example, Eskimos, who eat a lot of fish, have been found to have low levels of triglycerides in their blood.

Regulates blood pressure

Numerous clinical studies have shown the link between Omega 3 consumption and lowering blood pressure. In any case, it is important to remember that only a doctor can offer you appropriate treatment. However, a healthy diet helps to treat any disease.

Omega 3 rich foods


Flax seeds have a high concentration of essential fatty acids. It is estimated that a 100 g serving of flax seeds contains 20 g of Omega 3, ie more than the required daily dose.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds on the list of foods rich in Omega 3

These seeds have a high concentration of Omega 3, almost the same as flax seeds (20%). You can use chia seeds to cook delicious desserts.


Soy is a special legume because it contains healthy fats. A 100 g serving provides 11 g of Omega 3 fatty acids. With this food you can prepare many tasty dishes.

Walnut oil

Walnut oil cannot be missing from the list of foods rich in Omega 3. You can use this ingredient to prepare salad dressings or desserts.

Walnut oil contains 10 g of Omega 3 per 100 g. This ingredient also has anti-inflammatory effects.

Peanut butter

Foods rich in Omega 3 such as peanut butter

Peanut butter is healthier than classic butter made from milk, which it can successfully replace. You can consume this product as such or in many food combinations. A 100 g serving of peanut butter contains 10 g of Omega 3.

Rapeseed oil

This oil is very versatile, and can be used to prepare quick-fried foods and leavened dough. Rapeseed oil has a concentration of 9 g of Omega 3 per 100 g.

Olive oil

Olive oil combines perfectly with almost all foods. It is not recommended for frying, but can be used in any other recipe. If you use it correctly, you can get the daily dose of Omega 3 fatty acids.


Omega 3 rich foods like caviar

Even though it is not as accessible as the rest of the foods on this list, it is important to note that caviar is also an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids. This food also contains other healthy elements such as phosphorus and sodium. .


Cabbage is an excellent ingredient for salads. It should also be included in the list of foods rich in Omega 3, but also in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients.

Shea butter

This ingredient is made from the nuts of a tree in Africa. Shea butter has a high concentration of essential fatty acids, including Omega 3.

If you ask for the opinion of a specialist, he can give you more detailed and personalized information. But it is important to consume a wide range of nutritional sources to prevent dependence on a particular food.

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