Oats And Green Apples – The Benefits Of This Smoothie

The combination of oatmeal and green apples not only helps you adjust your body weight, but is an excellent choice for breakfast for the whole family!
Oats and green apples - the benefits of this smoothie

An oatmeal and green apple smoothie  – have you ever tried this recipe? Many doctors and nutritionists recommend this simple drink, beneficial for health and for weight loss. Today we will present you all its amazing properties.

The combination of oatmeal and green apples not only helps you adjust your body weight, but is an excellent choice for breakfast for the whole family! You don’t want to miss this opportunity, do you?

The multiple benefits of combining oats with green apples


1. Regulates metabolism

Oats are a superfood, extremely beneficial for health, if consumed daily. By combining it with green apples, you enjoy even more benefits. Want to know which is the most important? The fact that it regulates your metabolism.

  • The combination of oat fiber and green apple pectin helps activate the metabolism to detoxify the body and burn fat.
  • Given this effect on metabolism, nutritionists recommend eating a smoothie of oatmeal and green apples every morning. It will give you a feeling of satiety and a considerable dose of fiber, while accelerating your metabolism.

2. Lowers cholesterol

Don’t worry – drink this smoothie with confidence! If your doctor has told you that you have high cholesterol (LDL), add oatmeal and green apples to your diet. As you already know, you can lower the level of bad cholesterol through your diet, without having to resort to medication. So keep the following in mind:

  • Oatmeal fiber helps the body absorb more toxins and eliminate bad cholesterol from the blood.
  • Green apples work the same way. Due to the content of pectin and polyphenols, they eliminate bad cholesterol and balance the level of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. In this way you can prevent many heart diseases.
  • The combination of green apples and oats helps regulate blood pressure due to the low amount of sodium and high potassium content.

3. Helps to lose weight

I’ve said many times that oatmeal is good for weight loss. Today we recommend another way to amplify their properties: combining them with green apples! Here are the benefits of this simple and delicious smoothie:

  • Keep your blood sugar under control. This combination is ideal for people with diabetes and, as already mentioned, regulates metabolism.
  • This smoothie satisfies food cravings and is ideal for breakfast. In this way you will give up snacks between breakfast and lunch.
  • Oatmeal and green apples stimulate the production of an enzyme called lecithin. Helps detoxify the body, removes fat and cleanses the arteries.
  • This smoothie is also very beneficial for digestion. Due to the slow absorption of these carbohydrates by the body, they will help you feel full for a longer period of time, also favoring the production of gastric acids that facilitate the digestion of food and fight constipation. Every day your body will regulate all its functions, will fight water retention and will burn fats more efficiently.

4. An excellent source of vitamins

This smoothie made from oatmeal and green apples is a real “vitamin cocktail”, ideal to start your day. It is not only good for you, but for all family members, including children and the elderly. Want to know what else it contains?

  • A high dose of B-complex vitamins, such as niacin, thiamine and riboflavin. They help to restore body tissues, such as muscle, turn sugar into energy to activate your metabolism and contribute to protein synthesis.
  • This smoothie also offers a large amount of essential amino acids, but also many minerals: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and calcium. All this is vital for the health of your body!

How to prepare this smoothie from oats and green apples?

Oatmeal and green apple smoothie

What do you need?

  • 1 cup water (200 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal (60 grams)
  • 1 green apple
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • 2 ice cubes

Method of preparation

  • This smoothie should be eaten in the morning for breakfast. It has a delicious taste and offers many benefits that help you get through the first part of the day.
  • Soak oatmeal overnight in a cup of water. This way they will be ready to be eaten the next morning. Cut the green apple into four large pieces. Do not peel them, as it contains many fibers and nutrients.
  • Add the apple slices, oatmeal and the water in which you soaked them in the blender.  Pass all the ingredients together with the ice cubes until you get a fine liquid. It will definitely be to your liking and that of the whole family!

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