Night Cream That Fights Goosebumps

Goosebumps are the popular name for wrinkles that appear on the outer corners of the eyes due to facial expressions, aging and sun exposure.
Night cream that fights goosebumps

Goosebumps are the popular name for wrinkles that appear on the outer corners of the eyes due to facial expressions and low levels of collagen and elastin. These wrinkles are a common symptom of aging, although they can also be a consequence of sunlight and the harmful action of free radicals.

It has been shown that stress, poor diet and certain harmful habits (smoking, alcohol consumption) are closely related to the premature appearance of the goose paw.

Fortunately, there are many cosmetic products and treatments that contain ingredients with the ability to protect facial skin and visibly reduce wrinkles. To prevent and improve the appearance of the goose foot, it is essential to apply both a sunscreen and creams that support skin renewal.

An interesting option is the following natural night cream. To prepare it, you only need three ingredients that, due to their special properties, repair delicate skin and help it look like new. Below we present the simple steps you need to follow to combat goosebumps.

Night cream that fights goosebumps

The next night cream is prepared with natural ingredients, more precisely, with grape seed oil, vitamin E capsules and shea butter. This is a 100% natural product  that, unlike commercial variants, does not cost much and does not produce unwanted side effects.

The main benefits of this cream are due to its content of essential fatty acids and antioxidants. As soon as they are absorbed, these components stimulate the skin’s healing and increase the level of collagen and elastin. By applying the following cream daily, you cancel the effects caused by free radicals and strengthen the left skin.

The benefits of grape seed oil

Goosebumps can be treated with a grape seed cream

Grape seed oil is a very popular product in terms of skin care and rejuvenation. It offers the following incredible benefits:

  • It has a high content of linoleic acid, a natural substance that strengthens cell membranes and improves the appearance of the skin.
  • The antioxidants in this product reduce skin damage and premature wrinkles caused by cell damage.
  • Grape seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect that fixes problems such as bags under the eyes and inflamed eyelids.
  • The cream prepared with this ingredient acts as a natural fortifying compound, ideal for keeping the skin toned, firm and free of imperfections such as premature wrinkles.

Regular application of grape seed oil on the face is a useful remedy to combat unsightly spots, bags under the eyes and goosebumps.

The benefits of vitamin E.

Whether it is obtained from food or obtained with supplements, vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that improves the appearance of scars, blemishes and fine wrinkles. Moreover, it has the following effects:

  • Applied regularly, it provides protection against harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • Reduces collagen and elastin loss.
  • It acts as a rejuvenating agent.

Vitamin E is recommended for those who want to remedy goosebumps and other signs of aging that may occur prematurely.

The benefits of shea butter

Goosebumps can be treated with Shea butter

Shea butter is a vegetable fat with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, long used as an ingredient in beauty products.

Many people claim that Shea butter is the best natural product for skin regeneration. It nourishes the skin deeply, preventing goose bumps and other imperfections.

Shea butter is made up of softening and revitalizing agents that help the skin to be healthy and toned, reducing the risk of wrinkles. In addition, it contains vitamin E, antioxidants called catechins and linoleic acid. Combined, these components stimulate cellular activity, rejuvenating the face.

How to prepare this natural night cream that remedies goosebumps?

Goosebumps can be treated with vitamin E.

For the next remedy to have the desired effects, you only need to choose ingredients of quality and preferably organic. Vitamin E, Shea butter and grape seed oil can be easily purchased from pharmacies and cosmetics stores.


  • 5 ½ tablespoons (70 g) of shea butter
  • 2 vitamin E capsules
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) of grape seed oil
  • A sealed container

Method of preparation

  • Melt the Shea butter using the bain-marie technique. As soon as it becomes liquid, mix it with the grape seed oil and the contents of the vitamin E capsules.
  • Take the pot off the heat, let the mixture sit for a few minutes and, before it hardens, pour it into an airtight container.

Way of ussage

  • To combat goosebumps, lubricate your skin around the eyes with an adequate amount of cream before bed.
  • Apply this treatment every night, at least three times a week.

Keep in mind that the results will be felt only after several weeks of treatment. In addition, this treatment to remedy goosebumps must be supplemented with daily application of a sunscreen.

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