Neck Pain Relief Options

Sore throat is a common problem, especially in the fall and winter. Although this symptom disappears on its own after a few days, we have several effective options to alleviate it. Discover them in this article!
Options for relieving sore throat

Relieving sore throat is not always an easy goal to achieve. We have many treatments available, but this symptom can be persistent, causing discomfort for several days.

Sore throats can have various causes. The most common of these is upper respiratory tract infections. During cold periods, pharyngitis may occur. Other respiratory infections that cause similar symptoms are colds, sinusitis and laryngitis. All are caused by viruses. Therefore, antibiotic therapies are not indicated and usually this type of medicine can not relieve sore throat.

Causes of dysphonia, hoarseness and sore throat include:

  • Dry environment: Dry air dehydrates the mucous membranes. In addition, if you breathe through your mouth and the air does not circulate through your nose, you risk a sore throat.
  • Allergies: People who are allergic to dust and dust mites tend to have sore throats.
  • Vocal fatigue: Excessive speaking and screaming of the voice exhausts the vocal cords.
  • Irritants: When they enter the body, certain chemicals can irritate the pharynx. Cigarette smoke also falls into this category.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease: This condition involves the passage of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus, eventually reaching the throat. Hydrochloric acid is very irritating.

The best options for relieving sore throat

In the following, we offer you eight ways to treat sore throat.

1. Gargara

Gargle is an excellent remedy for this annoying problem. Gargle with warm water and salt. This mixture relieves inflammation of the ring, reducing irritation.

The classic recipe has half a teaspoon of salt and a glass of water as ingredients. If you can’t stand the salty taste of the mixture, you can also add honey. Gargle several times a day.

2. Honey

As mentioned before, you can add honey to the mixture of water and salt. You can also consume plain honey. You will need to swallow it slowly so that it acts on the inflamed tissue.

Honey temporarily adheres to cells and creates an antiseptic barrier. This barrier prevents dehydration and absorbs pathogenic microorganisms.

But keep in mind that you can’t give honey to children under the age of one. This food can cause botulism in very young children.

Jar of honey to relieve sore throat
Due to its properties, honey is an effective remedy for sore throats. But it is not indicated for babies.

3. Suction tablets

Both pharmacies and plafers sell suction tablets to relieve sore throats. These products may contain ingredients such as eucalyptus. Suction tablets stimulate the production of saliva, moisturize the mucous membranes and temporarily relieve painful symptoms. The disadvantage of this treatment is that you will have to take several tablets a day.

4. Hydration

Hydration of the mucous membranes is essential. In fact, sore throats are often a consequence of fluid loss. So you need to compensate by consuming water and avoiding drinks such as coffee.

We recommend that you also eat soups or teas. Boils provide micronutrients, are moisturizing and contain trace elements such as sodium and potassium.

5. Warm compresses

Applying warm compresses on the neck increases the temperature in the area, stimulating blood circulation. This gesture increases the presence of anti-inflammatory cells and supports hydration.

6. Hot showers

Hot showers generate steam, which can relieve sore throats. Hot steam has an anti-inflammatory action when it enters the respiratory tract through the oral cavity.

Woman taking a shower
Although hot showers cannot treat sore throats, they can temporarily relieve the discomfort felt.

7. Avoid smoking

Cigarettes and the smoke they produce have an irritating effect. In addition to the fact that it can cause sore throat, smoking intensifies this symptom if it is caused by an infection. This addiction affects not only the smoker, but also the people around him.

According to scientific research, people who smoke have an increased risk of developing respiratory infections. In addition, they may suffer from chronic cough, which changes respiratory dynamics.

8. Analgesics

Sore throat may go away on its own after a few days. But sometimes we have important activities that we can’t miss (for example, at work) and we have to speed up this process. In such situations, we can treat sore throats with medication.

The first variant is paracetamol (acetaminophen). This is a relatively harmless painkiller that can relieve annoying symptoms. The second variant is ibuprofen, which, in addition to the analgesic effect, is also an anti-inflammatory. Both drugs are useful against fever.

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