Naturally Remove Calluses On Hands And Feet

Calluses on the hands and feet are an aesthetic problem that can affect your daily image and self-esteem. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove them.
Naturally remove calluses on your hands and feet

Do you want to naturally remove calluses on your hands and feet? These are a common aesthetic problem that, although not leading to major complications, can damage your image.

Calluses are thickened layers of skin that are responsible for protecting an area of ​​the skin. They are caused by various mechanical factors, such as wearing new shoes that are too tight.

When it comes to removing them, the best thing is to go to a podiatrist. However, there are a few tricks you can apply at home to get rid of weeds and have healthy and beautiful hands and feet again.

Keep the following tips in mind so you can use them if you have calluses on your feet.

Naturally remove calluses on your hands and feet

1. Hydration can help eliminate calluses

Moisturize the feet with cream


Find a vessel in which you can immerse the area of ​​the hand or foot affected by the callus. Put a little boiled water and chamomile flowers in the container. Once the liquid reaches a bearable temperature, soak the affected area for 10 minutes. This will soften the callus so that you can remove it with a pumice stone.

2. Natural acids

Slice a lemon and apply the slices on the affected areas. The acids in this fruit will help you remove calluses. Citric acid also acts as a natural skin scrub. It will help remove dead cells and make the skin look smooth and healthy again.

Keep in mind that this remedy works slower than the first method. Therefore, we recommend that you let him do his job overnight.

3. Water and baking soda to remove warts

You can make a paste using warm water and baking soda. Use only three teaspoons of baking soda in a cup of water. Apply the paste on the calluses. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse the area.

There are people who, instead of baking soda and water, use a paste made of aspirin and a little water or honey to remove calluses on the feet.

4. Garlic ointment

If you have garlic and olive oil at home, you can make an ointment to naturally treat this problem.

Take a clove of garlic and mix it with olive oil to create a treatment. As with lemon slices, it takes longer to act, so you should leave the remedy on the weft overnight.

5. Onions

Onions are a food with anti-inflammatory properties, so it is wonderful if you suffer from calluses. Rubbing it on the skin should remove dead cells and therefore callus.

It will take some time to see the results. But if you have patience, they will not be long in coming.

6. White vinegar

Vinegar is an acidic liquid that, according to popular belief, can be used to cope with calluses on the hands and feet. It can help soften hardened skin.

Mix white vinegar with water and moisten the callus. Cover the area overnight. In the morning, use a pumice stone to remove the soaked callus. Then clean the affected area with soap and water to see results.

7. Nettles

Green nettle


Nettle is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties. By preparing a paste of stems and flowers, you can remove calluses more easily.

Learn how to prevent calluses

You can follow some simple tips to prevent the appearance of these annoying weeds. For example, apply moisturizer regularly all over your body, focusing on areas that are more prone to dryness, such as your elbows, knees, and feet.

When buying shoes, make sure they are not too tight. They may not look too tight at that point, but they will eventually start to affect the skin.

At the same time, you should avoid wearing inappropriate footwear (uncomfortable, hard, tight, etc.) so that the calluses on your feet do not get worse and new ones do not appear. As for the hands, it’s the same, but in relation to the gloves.

Because calluses can also appear on the hands, it is important to keep this area constantly hydrated. Use moisturizers and gloves while washing dishes, as the detergent tends to dry out your hands.

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