Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Discover some natural remedies for hemorrhoids. In addition to the treatment recommended by your doctor, try these tips.
Natural remedies for hemorrhoids

Surely you have heard of various natural remedies for hemorrhoids so far. Hemorrhoids are caused by dilation and inflammation of the blood vessels in the rectal area. Excessive effort during defecation is one of the main reasons for their occurrence, but not the only one. 

If they break, the inflamed vessels trigger an unpleasant hemorrhage. If the blood is light red, it comes from a damaged vessel. But if it is darker in color, it may come from another area of ​​the large intestine. In extreme cases, surgery is indicated.

Hemorrhoids are a particularly unpleasant problem. Among the most common symptoms are: pain during defecation, bleeding, itching and burning sensation. For this reason, medical intervention is essential to begin effective treatment.

It should be noted that hemorrhoids can occur at any age, but are more common in the elderly or pregnant women.

Natural remedies for hemorrhoids

If you suffer from this problem, you can try certain natural remedies for hemorrhoids right at home, in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, to get faster results.

1. Ice packs

Natural remedies for hemorrhoids with ice

Ice is useful in case of inflammation, therefore ice packs on the affected areas soothe the pain and give a pleasant sensation.

2. Bath with herbs

To soothe the itching and burning sensation you can use herbs with a calming role, such as chamomile, horsetail or mallow. 

Method of preparation and application

  • Gather the mentioned plants, preferably fresh.
  • In boiling water, add a mixture of your favorite plants.
  • Allow the liquid obtained to reach room temperature.
  • Apply on the affected areas for at least 10 minutes.

3. Aloe vera

Natural remedies for hemorrhoids with aloe vera

Among the many natural remedies for hemorrhoids is aloe vera. This plant should be your best friend when it comes to skin care, especially if you experience burns or irritations.

Aloe vera also works very well for hemorrhoids. If you are not allergic, apply a gel with as high a concentration of aloe vera as possible on the areas that bother you.

Method of preparation and application

  • If you have an aloe vera plant, pick two or three leaves and cut them lengthwise.
  • Grate the gel in a glass or porcelain bowl.
  • Apply it on inflamed areas.

Or you can try another option: freeze the aloe vera gel and then apply the cold product to soothe the affected area.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are particularly beneficial when it comes to the treatment of hemorrhoids, and their consumption has multiple benefits:

  • Eliminates toxins and reduces inflammation (due to the diuretic effect)
  • It fights against any type of infection
  • Improves digestion
  • Protects your skin from ultraviolet rays
  • Helps heal wounds

Method of preparation and application

  • Take a tomato as ripe as possible and cut it in half.
  • Wrap it in gauze.
  • Squeeze it, then apply the juice on the inflamed area for a few minutes.
  • Rinse with soap and a pH-neutral soap.

5. Potatoes and mangold beets

Natural remedies for hemorrhoids with potatoes

These two vegetables have antiinflammatory properties and are known for their calming effect. You can apply them directly or use them as a suppository for a more intense effect.

Method of preparation and application

  • Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
  • Apply topically, leave it for a few minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Occasionally, you can cut a slice of potato in the shape of a suppository and apply it rectally for 20 minutes, for an instant calming effect.

Preparation and application of mangold beets

  • Buy a bouquet of mangold leaves, rinse them in cold water and keep them in the refrigerator.
  • Apply at least three times a day on the areas that bother you.

Diet for hemorrhoids

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, a very important aspect is the diet, because it has a direct impact on the intestines. In addition to the two liters of water per day, which are mandatory, it is a good idea to include the following foods in your daily diet:

  • Broccoli
  • Plums
  • Whole grains
  • Papaya
  • vegetables
  • Beet
  • Fresh fruits
  • Flaxseed

Whole grains are a miraculous food for the body and are recommended for daily consumption. Oats, rye, millet, all prevent inflammation.

Also, do not forget that fluid intake is essential for the proper functioning of the colon, so include in the daily diet six or seven glasses of plain water. Avoid alcoholic beverages as much as possible or limit their consumption to holidays.

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