Natural Antibiotics Against Mild Infections

Antibiotics should only be used in case of severe infections. Using them against every infection has strengthened viruses, fungi and bacteria. But in nature there are many plants, roots and flowers that can be used as natural antibiotics for mild infections.
Natural antibiotics against mild infections

An excellent alternative to health care is the use of natural antibiotics against mild infections. In fact, antibiotics manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry are intended for serious infections. Their frequent use has side effects: the bacteria become more and more resistant.

Nature is very rich. It offers a lot of options to fight infections that take control of our body. Natural antibiotics have always been used, their beneficial effects being well known. But over time, we started to put them in the background and give priority to commercial antibiotics. In the following, we will present you some examples of natural antibiotics against mild infections.

What do we need to know about antibiotics?

Antibiotic drugs

Frequent use of antibiotics makes the bacteria more and more resistant. However, many types of infections do not require commercial antibiotic treatment. However, lately antibiotics are given in excessive amounts to treat various types of infections. But, for example, in the case of infections caused by a virus, antibiotics do not work effectively.

In fact, the overuse of antibiotics affects the gut microbiota. Antibiotics kill “good” intestinal bacteria, affecting the rate of recovery in case of illness.

Natural antibiotics against mild infections

1. Raise

Radish is one of the most effective natural antibiotics against mild infections. Whether red or white, this root plant is more effective than chemical-based drugs when it comes to a mild infection. It is also a commonly used and appreciated vegetable in salads or in addition to meat and fish.

Radish is very effective in treating sinusitis and in treating respiratory tract infections such as colds, flu or lung congestion. It is also effective in combating urinary tract infections and has been shown to help protect against carcinogens. Under these conditions, radish can reduce the ability of all types of cancer cells to spread.

2. Acacia

Acacia is very useful in the treatment of skin, respiratory and urinary tract infections. We can take advantage of this to fight various mild infections or wounds. Its antibiotic effect is due to the alkaloids in its composition.

The medicinal properties of acacia are present in its flowers, from which we can prepare infusions and tonic drinks. However, the seeds and bark of the acacia tree are toxic.

3. Eucalyptus

Natural antibiotics against eucalyptus oil infections

Eucalyptus oil is one of the best natural antibiotics against mild respiratory infections. This oil is rich in cineole, a substance with antibiotic and antiviral properties, useful in a large number of diseases. Eucalyptus oil can also be used to attack bacteria that cause cavities and gingivitis.

Eucalyptus is an analgesic and a strong stimulant of the immune system. If we mix equal parts of eucalyptus oil and apple cider vinegar, we get an effective antiseptic for treating wounds, boils and insect bites.

4. Hydrastis canadensis

Hydrastis canadensis (without common name in Romanian) is a medicinal plant that contains essential nutrients.

The plant is rich in berberine, a substance that is very effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Consumed as an infusion, the plant is ideal for treating diseases of the urinary tract, throat or skin.

5. Licorice

Licorice root is one of the ideal natural antibiotics to treat oral infections. The extract obtained from this root can be very helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth and gums. The plant also has a strong antiviral effect and is effective against herpes.

Licorice is commonly used in Chinese medicine. It can help prevent gastric ulcer by being effective against the pathogen Helicobacter pylori. However, it should not be taken in excessive amounts or for excessive periods of time, as it may cause headaches, fatigue or high blood pressure.

6. Grapefruit seed extract

Natural antibiotics against grapefruit oil infections

The extract is obtained by first cold pressing grapefruit seeds. This extract is an excellent natural disinfectant and has a strong antibiotic effect in treating many diseases. It is effective against fungi, bacteria, viruses and intestinal parasites.

It can be used both internally and externally. Internally, it increases the efficiency of the immune system. Applied to wounds and cuts, prevents their infection.

Natural antibiotics against mild infections: conclusions

Nature offers several options to combat various types of infections. Lately, we have begun to believe that commercial antibiotics are the only substances that can help us. We do not only use them to treat our infections, but we use them in excessive quantities and in raising animals.

But we have reached the point where bacteria and viruses have become very resistant, which is why we need even stronger antibiotics. However, natural antibiotics strengthen the immune system, and the human body can cope with infections on its own. It is worth trying to use the most natural options possible for mild infections.

Remember, if you have persistent or serious infections, you must consult a specialist.

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