Mediterranean Diet Helps You Lose Weight

Experts recommend that you follow a healthy diet, which, in addition to helping you lose weight, also provides all the nutrients necessary for the optimal functioning of the body.
The Mediterranean diet helps you lose weight

The Mediterranean diet can be a great option if you want to lose weight, worth considering and if you are looking for a healthy diet.

There are many types of diets you can follow, so many that you often find yourself confused when you have to choose just one of them. 

The Mediterranean diet is rich in protein, fiber, Omega 3 fatty acids, whole grains, minerals and vitamins and low in fat, flour and processed sugar. Let’s see what the Mediterranean diet consists of and what are the steps you need to follow to help you lose weight!

How does it help you lose weight in the Mediterranean diet?

Salad-Mediterranean diet
  • First of all, we specify that the Mediterranean diet is not in itself a strictly applicable method if you want to lose weight. Rather, it involves the adoption of healthy eating habits, which thanks to the balanced dosage of food consumed helps you to regulate your body weight over time , without endangering your health in any way, as happens with other diets. Nutritionists assure you that following this diet you can lose one kilogram a week.
  • In other words, the Mediterranean diet is suitable for the whole family, from small to large. Meets the basic principles of the food pyramid recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization).
  • The benefits of the Mediterranean diet result from the presence of healthy fats. Contains only monounsaturated fats from olive oil and fatty acids such as Omega 6.
  • Excludes animal proteins, including red meat.
  • It is a diet very rich in antioxidants, derived from fruits (fresh or dried) and vegetables.
  • It has a high fiber content .
  • The Mediterranean diet has the effect of lowering your blood cholesterol levels, thus protecting you from cardiovascular disease and helping you reach an optimal weight due to the balanced dosage of nutrients and the lack of fats that could harm your body.

What foods does the Mediterranean diet include?

  • Vegetables : fruits such as oranges, lemons, melons, apples and grapes; dried fruits, such as nuts; vegetables
  • Olive oil, which is the main source of fat in this diet.
  • Wine, consumed in moderate amounts, no more than one glass a day.
  • Fish, such as tuna, salmon, cod.
  • Pasta, which is the main source of carbohydrates.
  • If you feel the need to eat meat, it is preferable to choose the lean chicken, or, even better, the turkey, low in fat.

This balanced and varied diet must be associated with a healthy lifestyle to truly prove its benefits. Take advantage of the daily rays of the sun to properly assimilate vitamin D, start the day with a hearty breakfast, eat with your family, in a relaxed and calm atmosphere…

These eating habits are often overlooked as a result of today’s hectic living and obligations of all kinds, which sometimes make us eat on the run. However, don’t forget that these little details are the key to your health!

Basic principles of the Mediterranean diet

  • You need to eat 5 meals a day : breakfast, lunch, two snacks and dinner. The goal is to properly dose the food consumed throughout the day, in small quantities.
  • Don’t skip breakfast. This is the basic rule to start the day with a high energy level, which you should maintain throughout the day.
  • Do not eat butter. Always replace it with olive oil.
  • Dinner should be based mostly on vegetables.
  • Do not forget about bread, which provides you with the necessary amount of fiber. Choose wholemeal bread (preferably rye or oatmeal).
  • Spices are also very important : oregano, basil, parsley and especially garlic.
  • Avoid sweets. Replace cow’s milk with vegetable milk.
  • We recommend that you drink a glass of wine every day. And don’t forget the two liters of water!

Examples of Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet4

Menu – Example 1


  • Orange juice and a slice of wholemeal bread with honey

Morning snack:

  • An Apple


  • Salad with half a pomegranate and a little lemon
  • Grilled chicken breast with lemon
  • Green tea

Afternoon snack:

  • A bunch of grapes


  • Omelette with spinach and shrimp
  • Baked hake
  • Apple juice

Menu – Example 2


  • A cup of oatmeal porridge, a few nuts and plums

Morning snack:

  • Dietary yogurt


  • Tomato salad, basil, black olives and olive oil
  • Zucchini puree with oregano and pepper

Afternoon snack:

  • Apple jam


  • Eggplant on the grill
  • Salad and grated carrots
  • Chamomile and lemon tea (lemon balm or rhubarb)

Menu – Example 3


  • Almond milk and an apple

Morning snack:

  • A slice of wholemeal bread greased with dried tomato paste


  • Whole rice with mushrooms
  • Salad with two slices of orange

Afternoon snack:

  • Peach juice


  • Artichokes boiled with a little olive oil and a drop of vinegar
  • Spinach salad with a few pieces of turkey and pineapple

If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, introduce the Mediterranean diet in your diet and don’t forget to exercise as much as possible.

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