Medicinal Plants That Give Us Energy

Ginseng tea is very energizing. In addition, it contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and strengthen the immune system. 
Medicinal plants that give us energy

We all go through exhausting periods physically or mentally, especially at work. It also happened to you that you probably arrived home without energy. What can you do? Rest assured, there are some herbs that can help. Find out more in this article.

The best herbs to fill us with energy

Maybe you are recovering or a member of your family is going through a difficult time and needs more energy to overcome it. Stress at work, personal problems, nights spent studying for an exam, when you need to be able to concentrate for at least a few hours – all these are situations that require a replenishment of your energy stores. Which is the solution?

First, you need to eat well. Secondly, you need to rest properly, drink enough fluids and take some time to relax during the day: take a short walk or a hot bath to relieve tension. And, last but not least, include in your diet these wonderful herbs, which give you extra energy, but also other health benefits. 

1. Rosemary

Medicinal plants that give you energy like rosemary

You probably already know that rosemary gives a special flavor to food, being used especially for seasoning meat or rice. But did you know that this is also an exceptional medicinal plant?  Rosemary is anti-inflammatory, improves breathing, aids digestion and provides energy. 

  • Rosemary reduces fatigue and stimulates blood circulation  – especially in the brain region. It can also be an excellent tonic when you recover from an illness. It is revitalizing and energizing.
  • Improves the ability to concentrate: to concentrate better, you need to drink two cups of rosemary tea a day. Use 20 grams of fresh rosemary or 5 grams of dried rosemary to a liter of water. Boil the water, add the rosemary and let it infuse. If you store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator, it can last up to two days.

2. Aloe vera

Medicinal plants that give you energy like aloe vera

We already know that aloe vera is a plant with many benefits. It has healing properties, is excellent for the skin and an extraordinary tonic for the body. In addition, it has nutritional values ​​worth considering. It contains amino acids that help the body recover from an illness, but also B vitamins and proteins. It really is a natural treasure.

  • To prepare an aloe tea, add a tablespoon of gel to a cup of water and let it infuse. If you add a slice of lemon, it will taste even better. It’s good to drink it after lunch.

3. Guarana

Medicinal plants that give you energy like guarana

You have probably heard of guarana (Paullinia cupana). The seeds of this medicinal plant have an energizing effect, similar to coffee, which is why tea should be consumed in moderation – no more than one glass a day. Guarana contains theophylline, theobromine, xanthine, guarana and tannins. It is invigorating, improves the ability to concentrate and mood.

Guarana is an excellent choice if you feel very tired or are going through a difficult period. Guarana drinks and tablets are available in health food stores. You can also make tea, but don’t forget, it is not advisable to drink more than one cup a day. You will feel much better.

4. Ginseng and cinnamon tea

Medicinal plants that give you energy like ginseng

This tea is very effective and delicious. Ginseng is known for its anti-fatigue and weakness-fighting properties. Improves the ability to concentrate and stimulates blood circulation to the brain. In addition, it is an excellent natural antioxidant, fighting free radicals and slowing down the aging of cells and the development of certain diseases, such as cancer. Moreover, it strengthens the immune system.

When you combine ginseng with cinnamon, its benefits multiply, acquiring, at the same time, a very aromatic taste. Combine these two ingredients, and your health will improve considerably.

5. Yerba mate

Medicinal plants that give you energy like yerba mate

Yerba mate has many benefits. First of all, it is an extraordinary stimulant, even better than coffee. In addition, it is a natural source of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and manganese. One cup of tea a day improves circulation, fights fatigue and gives you a better mood. It is very healthy, being also a wonderful antioxidant. However, it has a bitter taste, which is why we suggest you sweeten it with a little honey.

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