Love Doesn’t Hurt Us, But Disappointment Does

If you feel disappointed for a long time, you will be exhausted and you will lose hope.
Love does not hurt us, but disappointment does

Love is inexhaustible to those who truly appreciate it. Giving love is not overwhelming. Love does not hurt, but disappointment does, it is what depresses us.

Some people give love to others almost blindly, not realizing that everything must have a limit. Others have the impression that receiving attention, compliments, favors and affection is something very natural, not realizing that any relationship is a continuous game of giving and receiving.

Unconditional love must be respected. This is, for example, a mother’s love for her son, a noble feeling that each of us must understand and appreciate.

But unconditional love can cause us problems. Not everyone around you deserves affection and respect, especially those who misbehave with us.

Disappointment is the consequence of abuse and deception, and the love you believed in can hurt you. In today’s article, we invite you to reflect a little on this topic.

Disappointment exhausts us little by little

Gradually, the disappointment will exhaust us and eventually we will feel the need to let ourselves be harmed. Until we get to that point, we will experience a series of complex emotions and difficult emotional phases that will make us question several aspects.

However, we must tell you that disappointment is not necessarily the first step towards separation. This negative feeling allows us to see the world from a more realistic perspective and to take a mature approach when we go through certain situations.

Let’s look at this in depth.

When love is blind and hurts us, disappointment opens our eyes

In youth we have the habit of idealizing our partner so much that we do not see his flaws.

  • But everyday life reminds us that there is no perfection. There is nothing wrong with that. It is best to see things as they really are. This is the only way we can have a healthy relationship.
  • No one is perfect – neither we nor our partner. Every person makes mistakes and has flaws.
  • Disappointment will open our eyes and help us realize that for a relationship to flourish, both partners must be equally involved in it and that love does not normally hurt.

Defects can be corrected. Mistakes teach us valuable lessons, and they remind us that each of us is a simple human being. However, there are certain mistakes and disappointments that cannot be forgiven.

Disappointment in love can be overcome

The disappointment that exhausts us and causes us pain

Various facts, details, words or actions open our eyes, maybe even forcibly. As a result, we realize that a certain person is behaving differently than we would expect.

  • Most likely, no one will be able to meet all our expectations. As mentioned above, love can lead us to idealize our life partner.
  • Love must never be offered without discernment. This can be difficult, because it is about emotions that are often difficult to control.
  • We can accept disappointment, we can forgive someone who is wrong with us once or even five times. But when that person disappoints us all the time, we are obliged to act. Disappointment hurts us and is exhausting, destroying our self-esteem and affecting our love for others. We must not neglect this aspect.

“I’m tired of always being disappointed!”

There is no need to adopt extreme behavior. When our soul can no longer bear the suffering caused by disappointment, we either shut ourselves in or let ourselves be harmed and accept the situation as it is.

  • But we must never tolerate disappointment or delude ourselves that it is “natural.”
  • It doesn’t matter if the disappointment comes from our life partner, parents, friends or even our children. If we are not respected and if it is clear that the individual wants to hurt us, it means that he does not understand or appreciate the affection we offer. The solution is to act immediately.
Love does not hurt, but disappointment does

When someone first disappoints you, it is time to reflect and decide how to act. As soon as your eyes open, you have to solve the situation that causes you suffering and do everything possible to avoid it in the future.

If something bothers you, find out what it’s about and don’t hide your feelings. If someone disappoints you, talk to that person and try to find strategies to avoid this situation from now on.

But if the disappointment continues, you will have to become stronger. Otherwise you will always suffer, and your life will be fragmented. Don’t let anyone make you suffer!

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