How To Move On When Nothing Makes You Happy

Even if nothing makes you happy, you have to keep calm. It is important to go further with small steps and make minor changes that give you a feeling of well-being, even in minimal doses. 
How to move on when nothing makes you happy

There are certainly times when nothing makes you happy, but you have to gather your strength and move on. 

The world loses its luster, the songs no longer sound like music, and the joy of those around you no longer has any effect on you. We know that it is not easy to overcome those difficult moments, if you do not find a good reason to wake up every morning. But the reason is very simple: you.

When we don’t take care of our own emotional needs and let those around us catch us in a suffocating trap, take all our energy and control our lives, our world turns upside down. 

Perhaps others are trying to comfort us with remarks such as time heals them all. ” If we do not take control of our own lives, encouragement and pats on the shoulder do us no good.

Yes, there are times when nothing makes you happy. But you can’t let a hard time turn into a hard life. You have to get over it and move on.

Strategies you can use when nothing makes you happy

If nothing makes you happy and months have passed in which you had a bad mood, accompanied by other manifestations such as insomnia, loss of appetite and a feeling of apathy towards all the things that excited you in the past, we recommend you talk to a doctor.

You may suffer from depression. Therefore, it is necessary to receive a correct diagnosis and follow the guidance of a professional, tailored to your needs. If you have found out that you are not facing a deeper psychological problem, then it would be good to reflect on the following aspects and try to put them into practice every day.


Go on at your own pace

Keep your own pace

You don’t feel well and you shouldn’t pretend you’re okay. What does it help to smile and wear a mask if you only feel sadness and apathy?

  • Don’t hide your feelings. In this way, you are only exacerbating your suffering.
  • You have the right to live this fragile moment of sadness. Even if it seems hard to believe, negative emotions also have a purpose, namely to make us realize that we need to make a change to adapt to the environment in which we live.

Follow this slower pace that your body and mind need. You need time for a little introspection, to ask yourself questions and discover what is hidden in your soul.

Set aside what you feel and focus on what you need

You know that you are not well, that  you feel overwhelmed by an amalgam of feelings and sensations. Now you are sad, now frustrated, later you want to sleep, then you feel the need to talk to someone.

Given that you are aware of the emotional carousel you are wearing, it’s time to put your feelings aside to identify your needs.

  • I have to recover.
  • I need some time for myself.
  • I need new dreams.
  • I have to start over.
  • I want to feel useful.
  • I want to give myself the love I need.


Go ahead, focus on your own needs

Go ahead, make small changes in your daily life

You can’t feel better from one moment to the next. Go further and change the way of thinking and the behavior little by little, so you will  gradually acquire a better state.

  • Today I will take a long walk, which I will enjoy to the fullest.
  • Today I will keep my negative thoughts under control.
  • Today I will go out with friends and discuss my plans for the future.
  • Today I will become a priority for myself, I will give myself time and pleasant moments.
  • Today I will start a long-term project. I will plan a trip or enroll in a course.

These small changes in daily life  contribute to major emotional developments that, little by little, rebuild your well-being.

To be happy, you have to give up some things

To be happy, it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice certain things or even interpersonal relationships. It is an act of courage that is difficult to complete.

We must learn to take our own needs into account and listen to our conscience. If the things or people around us take us away from our own spiritual essence, it means that our personal happiness also becomes inaccessible.

  • Giving up means closing certain circles and ending certain stages. It is essential to recognize what is no longer important to you, what no longer enriches your soul and what makes you sick.
  • You must also keep in mind that sometimes no one is to blame for your unhappiness.  Your insecurity and fears are the ones that deny you access to your own well-being.

Learn to recognize these sources of inner sabotage and fight them. It’s worth the effort, move on. Always.

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