How To Make Homemade Grape Jam? Natural Recipe

Grape jam is ideal to accompany snacks or breakfast. Discover a simple recipe to prepare it at home!
How to make homemade grape jam?  Natural recipe

This homemade grape jam is a different way to eat fruit. It is not very common to find this product already made in supermarkets, so we will show you a simple recipe to prepare it at home. Keep in mind that the final flavor will largely depend on the quality of the chosen grapes.

Remember that the introduction of fruit in the regular diet is essential. These foods contain micronutrients essential for optimal health. In general, their consumption is recommended in the natural state. However, occasionally you can make an exception and eat jam.

Homemade grape jam recipe

Occasional jam consumption can be part of a healthy and balanced diet. Even so, it is not a suitable recipe for people with diabetes or metabolic problems due to the added sugar content. It can be eaten in small portions for breakfast or as a snack.


  • 300 g of black grapes
  • 200 g of sugar
  • The juice of a lemon


  • To start, put the grapes, sugar and lemon juice in a pot. Mix everything well and simmer until the fruit breaks.
  • Boil until, when mixing with a spatula, you can see the bottom of the pot. At this point, allow the jam to cool.
  • Now there are two options. The first is to consume the end result as it is. The second is to process the jam in a blender to make it finer.

If you want to keep the jam, keep in mind that it is essential to sterilize the glass jars. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria can destroy the product. It is recommended to keep in a cool and dry place.

Homemade grape jam on bread
Homemade grape jam can be consumed in the context of a healthy diet. However, it is essential to moderate consumption.

The benefits of grapes

It is worth remembering what are the main benefits of eating grapes in their natural state. In addition, it is essential that the intake of jam take place in the context of a healthy diet.

Delays aging

Grapes are characterized by phytonutrients with antioxidant capacity, known as tannins. These elements are able to neutralize the formation of free radicals and their subsequent accumulation in body tissues. In this way, grapes prevent inflammation and complex pathologies.

According to a study published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food and Science and Nutrition , these compounds can be found in grapes and many exotic fruits, such as acerola. Their inclusion in the diet is considered positive for the body. It should also be noted that these substances are not as abundant in white grapes.

Helps treat constipation

Both the seeds and the skin of the grapes are made of fiber. This element helps to increase the volume of stool to speed up intestinal transit and stimulates the digestive tract receptors. This results in more intense peristaltic movements, facilitating the removal of debris.

There is evidence that a lack of dietary fiber is one of the risk factors for developing constipation. In addition, low water intake or changes in the microbiota can aggravate this condition.

Stimulates immune function

Among the micronutrients in grapes, special mention should be made of vitamin C. This compound has several functions inside the body. It has a significant antioxidant effect and neutralizes the production of free radicals.

Vitamin C is able to stimulate immune function. According to research published in the journal Nutrients , maintaining adequate levels of vitamin C in the body reduces the incidence of many infectious diseases, especially respiratory diseases.

Also, high doses of nutrients contribute to more effective management of symptoms. Most cold medicines contain vitamin C.

Helps modulate blood pressure

Consumption of grapes is highly recommended from a cardiovascular point of view due to the tannin content. This class of compounds modulates inflammatory processes and reduces the incidence of problems such as atherosclerosis.

In addition, grapes contain potassium. This mineral has an opposite effect to sodium on blood pressure, ie it generates a downward modulation of the parameter. Avoiding hypertensive situations is linked to a lower cardiovascular risk.

A person who measures their blood pressure
Regular consumption of grapes can help protect the body against high blood pressure. Of course, the diet must be healthy.

Prepare homemade grape jam

As you have seen, preparing grape jam at home is very simple. Although this fruit has proven health benefits, the intake of jam should be moderate as long as the recipe contains added sugars. These ingredients are able to negatively affect metabolic health if consumed in excess, especially in sedentary people.

Grape jam can occasionally appear in the diet without any problems. It keeps well and has a long shelf life. It is necessary to follow the basic hygiene rules and keep the jars in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight.

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