How To Get An Hourglass Silhouette In Just 30 Days

Although diet is a key component if you want to achieve an hourglass figure, it is essential to be motivated and adopt a proper fitness routine.
How to get an hourglass silhouette in just 30 days

Whether a special event is approaching or we simply want to look good in the summer, we may need to lose weight very quickly. If you find yourself in this situation, read on to discover some strategies that will help you get an hourglass figure in just 30 days.

Ideally, weight loss should be a gradual process, which we do under the guidance of a specialist. Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford such a luxury.

First prepare your mind, then your body

Every time we want to make a change, we need to be mentally prepared. This is especially true when our goal is to achieve an hourglass silhouette. It is essential to be motivated and disciplined to achieve your dream weight.

For this purpose, we advise you to practice some dialogue exercises every day. Converse with yourself and remember why you are on a diet. Affirm your desire and imagine how satisfied you will be when it comes true.

Exercise daily

Move to get an hourglass silhouette

Run or go for a walk for 60 minutes every day. If you are trying to get an hourglass figure, aerobic exercises are very useful. Being of low intensity, but long lasting, this type of physical activity forces you to consume more oxygen, so that you can burn fat.

  • In addition to walking and jogging, you can try swimming or cycling.
  • Opt for physical activities that attract you, so that you can perform them with pleasure and not lose your motivation.
  • Don’t forget to stay hydrated.

Because you want to get an hourglass figure in just one month, set aside enough time for exercise, but don’t exceed the limit.

Diet to get an hourglass silhouette in 30 days

1. Give up sugar

Without sugar you get an hourglass silhouette

Sugar gives a delicious taste to dishes, but the food we eat does not have to be just tasty. In addition to the fact that it has a nutritional value equal to 0, the high calorie content of sugar determines the storage of fat. In addition, this food stays in the body for a long time, slowing down the metabolism.

2. A preparation, a single main ingredient

Each preparation must contain a single main ingredient, preferably an organic vegetable or egg.

If you want to eat fish, opt for a species of cold water and try to cook that fish as little as possible. You have many useful recipes for this purpose. Raw fish dishes are very popular nowadays, especially in countries like Japan.

3. Opt for lean meat over red meat

Lean meat to get an hourglass silhouette

Red meat has a very high fat and calorie content, which will prevent you from burning fat and getting an hourglass figure. We advise you to avoid this food, at least during the period when you are trying to lose weight.

Also, opt for organic vegetables or fish instead of chicken. And chicken contains fats that can keep you from reaching your goal.

4. Discover new and tasty recipes

Although it is necessary to reduce the size of the portions served, this does not mean that eating will necessarily become a torment. In fact, nothing will cut your momentum faster than serving dishes that don’t appeal to you.

In addition to coconut oil, you have many ingredients that you can use to season your dishes, including cinnamon and other similar spices.

5. Eliminate harmful fats and increase your intake of beneficial fats

Not all fats make you fat. On the contrary, certain types of fats can help you get an hourglass figure. The category of “harmful fats” includes:

  • Those in the composition of genetically modified foods
  • Animal meat (especially fat from red meat)
  • The saturated ones

“Beneficial fats” can be obtained by consuming organic vegetables and processed products such as olive oil.

6. Serve 5 small meals throughout the day

Fruit to get an hourglass silhouette

This last piece of advice is very important. If you do not serve five small meals each day, the functioning of your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy. The fat is stored so that the body can feed itself if you can no longer provide it with food.

But if we get used to the digestive system consuming food regularly, the digestive processes will start faster and the body will not store so much fat. He will know that the next meal will come soon.

To get an hourglass silhouette, you need to put in a little effort. The tips I have presented in this article will help you achieve your goal more easily. So, are you ready to lose weight?

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