Ginger And Turmeric Tea For Weight Loss

In addition to their thermogenic properties, ginger and turmeric help burn fat and improve digestion. 
Ginger and turmeric tea for weight loss

To turn weight loss into a more enjoyable experience, it is important to exercise and eat healthy and nutritious foods. A balanced diet and proper physical training help you achieve the desired weight. But we recommend that you also consume ginger tea and turmeric. This drink will help you lose weight quickly and healthily.

Both ginger and turmeric are well known in the gastronomic world and appreciated in natural medicine. You can find the two ingredients in natural form or ground in the supermarket or plafar. Read on to find out the benefits of delicious ginger and turmeric tea.

The benefits of turmeric for weight loss

Turmeric (turmeric) offers many weight loss benefits:

  • The curcumin in its composition prevents the division of cells, especially fat ones. Thus, this compound  prevents the formation of adipose tissue and weight gain. In addition, curcumin lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides.
  • Turmeric prevents insulin resistance and helps regulate blood sugar, preventing the accumulation of fat in the body.
  • This root stimulates bile production. Bile is a substance that contributes to fat burning, supporting the weight loss process.
  • At the same time, turmeric contains polyphenols, antioxidants that help eliminate harmful substances from the body.
  • It has strong anti-inflammatory effects, helping to fight bloating.
  • In addition, turmeric speeds up metabolism and helps burn fat naturally and quickly.

The benefits of ginger for weight loss

Ginger for ginger tea and turmeric for weight loss

In any form you consume it, ginger is a reliable ally in the fight against extra pounds:

  • It increases the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that keeps hunger under control and decreases appetite. Therefore, ginger helps you eat less. 
  • In addition, this healthy root contains gingerol and shogaol, two active components that accelerate metabolism. This makes it easier to burn fat, and the body consumes its own energy.
  • As body temperature rises, ginger stimulates fat burning. 
  • At the same time, this wonderful ingredient is a powerful antioxidant and helps eliminate toxins, substances that cause disease, water retention, edema and weight gain.

The benefits of ginger and turmeric tea

Ginger and turmeric tea is a medicinal blend with strong effects. Here are its main health benefits:

  • This tea keeps the liver in optimal condition, as the substances in its composition protect the liver cells.
  • You can also drink ginger and turmeric tea if you have gallstones. The same protective substances support the gallbladder and prevent it from becoming ill.
  • At the same time, this natural drink is a digestive tonic, being the ideal choice for people with a slow digestion or suffering from dyspepsia. In addition, this remedy helps to relieve gastritis.
  • Due to its carminative properties, the delicious ginger and turmeric tea eliminates intestinal gas caused by slow or irregular digestion.
  • In addition, this drink is a natural remedy for colds and flu. Ginger and turmeric tea is rich in vitamin C, niacin, phosphorus and potassium. All these substances strengthen the immune system, treat coughs and eliminate phlegm.
Turmeric for ginger tea and turmeric

Ginger and turmeric tea recipe for weight loss


  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons ginger (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Clean and grate the ginger.
  • Heat the water and add the ginger.
  • Wait for it to boil for 5-10 minutes.
  • Take the mixture off the heat and strain it.
  • Pour the liquid into a cup and add the ground turmeric.
  • Add a little honey and then mix with a spoon.
  • You can add a few drops of lemon juice to give it a better taste. If you want, you can even add a slice of lemon.

How to drink ginger tea and turmeric to lose weight

How to drink ginger tea and turmeric for weight loss

As already mentioned, this ginger and turmeric tea speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, you need to know how to consume it to lose weight fast and healthy.

Follow the instructions below and you will get the desired results:

  • Drink tea on an empty stomach throughout the day. You can also serve it during workouts, which means you should drink more tea than water. This way you hydrate, receive a dose of energy and lose weight.
  • As I said above, this tea induces a feeling of satiety. Therefore, we recommend that you drink it 30 minutes before a meal. This way, you will no longer feel a state of restlessness while eating.

Remember that this ginger and turmeric tea is not a miracle drink. Although its properties stimulate weight loss, you should also exercise and adopt a balanced diet.

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