Fragile Nail Remedies

Lack of proper care leads to brittle nails. Constantly care for your nails and keep them hydrated to keep them strong. 
Remedies for fragile nails

Fragile nails that break at the slightest touch have no resistance or pleasant appearance, so we recommend some remedies to strengthen them. 

Your nails may be damaged or unable to grow beyond your fingertips. Fortunately, these common problems can become a memory if you apply these tips and remedies to strengthen your fragile nails naturally! 

Remedies to strengthen brittle nails

If it often happens that your nails break or cling without being painted, you can opt for one of the following natural remedies. All are very effective and worth trying.

  • Raw onion nail treatment: It is true that the smell of onions is unpleasant and makes you cry, but this remedy makes your nails stronger. Ugly nails and hands are an unpleasant image. Cut an onion in half, make a hole in the middle and insert your fingertips and nails into that space, leaving them there for 15 minutes. Wash your hands thoroughly at the end (the smell persists, so it is advisable to apply the remedy in the evening or on weekends).
Nail remedies with raw onions
  • Natural oil treatment : Almond oil is the best, but you can use any other essential oil. In a bowl, mix two tablespoons of almond oil with two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the remedy on the nails with a piece of cotton wool and let it absorb. Repeat the procedure three times a day.
  • Garlic Treatment: Garlic smells as unpleasant as onions, but beauty requires sacrifices, doesn’t it? Chop a few cloves of garlic and put them in a glass of water. Soak your fingertips and nails in this mixture for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a day.
  • Rosemary Remedy: For this recipe you need two tablespoons of rosemary and a cup of water. Boil the ingredients for five minutes, then take the mixture off the heat and let it cool for a few minutes. Pour it into a bowl and soak your nails in it for 20 minutes. Repeat twice a day.
  • Aloe vera revitalizing treatment: As you already know, aloe vera has many uses. In this case, this plant helps to regenerate the nails in a very short time. Mix well a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and three drops of olive oil. Soak a piece of cotton wool in the mixture and apply it on the nails. Let it absorb and repeat as many times as you think necessary.
Aloe vera strengthens the nails
  • Cucumber lotion for fragile nails: Pass a few cucumbers without peeling them. Put the juice in a bowl and soak your fingers every day for a week.
  • Horsetail Lotion: Prepare an infusion with one hand of horsetail to a cup of water. Heat the infusion a little before dipping your fingers in it.
  • Wheat Germ Remedy: Heat four tablespoons of wheat germ oil mixed with water. Take the mixture off the heat, let it cool and add a few drops of lemon juice. Hold your fingertips in this mixture for ten minutes.
  • Remedy with olive oil, honey and egg: These three foods are very nutritious and have extraordinary properties. Mix in a bowl a tablespoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of honey and an egg yolk until you get a fine paste. Gently massage the mixture on each nail. Leave it on for half an hour, then rinse with a little water.
  • “Instant” solutions  – opt for any of the following quick fixes: Soak your nails in lemon juice twice a day; rub them with a clove of garlic; apply discolored iodine with a piece of cotton wool and let it dry completely; dip your fingertips in apple cider vinegar every day, preferably before bed.
Apple cider vinegar strengthens nails

Tips for beautiful and strong nails

In addition to the series of natural remedies described above, consider the following tips to strengthen your fragile nails and keep them strong:

  • Use a nail polish remover that does not contain ingredients that could damage the nails. Although acetone is a very effective product, there are also healthier options.
  • Consume dairy and foods rich in calcium, protein and vitamins A and E and don’t forget to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Fragile nails can indicate a high level of stress and poor nutrition.
Fragile nails break easily
  • Do not sit with wet hands for a long time. When washing dishes or laundry, use gloves. Do not take too long showers and do not keep your hands in hot water. Protect your hands when gardening or cleaning.
  • Brush your nails regularly, with a movement always directed in the same direction. It is advisable to use a non-metallic file. Add a nail hardener to the nail polish (you can prepare one yourself by adding a clove of crushed garlic in a transparent nail polish).
  • Wipe the nail polish completely, using a special solution, soap and warm water. Dry your nails with a cotton towel and massage them with olive oil.
  • Do not use your fingernails to open cans or other containers  – use a suitable object.
  • Don’t bite your nails, because they will grow much harder. In addition, they will exfoliate if they are in constant contact with saliva.

Apply these remedies and you will your fragile nails will be stronger and will have a pleasant appearance that you should not be ashamed of.

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