Facts Are Important, Not Words

Words help us to convey many kinds of messages, but what really proves our intentions are our actions. Let your actions speak for yourself and take this into account when evaluating others.
Facts are important, not words

Facts are important, not words. When a person cares about you and even appreciates you, they will prove it to you by being with you through a phone call, a message or another unexpected action that surprises you.

Unfortunately, many of us continue to give our time and attention to individuals who do not deserve it. Don’t you think it’s time to open your eyes wide and see how things really are?

Stop talking and show how you feel

Not words, but deeds are important in everyday life

Words can be blown away by the wind easily. We know this, but in our daily lives we behave as if we had no idea. It is very easy to say “I love you”, “I need you” or “I like you”. But what about the facts that should, in theory, accompany these words?

To find out if a person really cares about you or not, sometimes it is enough to resort to the following trick: cover your ears and observe what he is doing. Review everything that has happened so far and look at the facts as if you were watching a silent film. What do you see?

Most likely, you will discover something that surprises you, a truth that you have not noticed so far. This is because you put a lot of trust in words that never materialized in deeds. Thus, you suffered in a completely useless way.

You believed all the excuses that the individual gave you when he did not prove his love by deeds. You justified his absence because you tried to empathize with him or her.

But this behavior can undermine your self-esteem. As a result, you are hurt — and who will come to your aid? To find the answer to this question, look in the mirror. One man was always with you and told you the truth when everyone else was lying to you.

When we forget that it is not the words but the deeds that are important, we end up suffering “intentional blindness.”

The facts are important and deserve all the attention

Most likely, you had many moments when you realized that you did not have your eyes wide open. However, you can’t get rid of the habit of seeing only what you want to see. You want to be well, but somehow you end up repeating the mistakes of the past and you are hurt, and everything happens through your own fault!

You should have kept your eyes open from the beginning and see if the individual in question was on your side or not, if what he was saying was in harmony with his actions.

Here is a concrete example: imagine that two people fall in love, but one of them is married. There are no simple solutions to this problem. The married person gives the other hope that he will leave his partner so that they can be together.

But then what happens? Several months pass, maybe even a year, but the situation has remained unchanged. The single person continues to give credence to the words of the married woman, but she does not turn what she says into deeds.

Although it is painful, you need to follow the advice above. Cover your ears, open your eyes and accept that it is not the words, but the deeds that are important. It is not a matter of finding a culprit, but of distancing yourself from a situation that gives you false hopes and prevents you from being free and enjoying life.

“Show me you care about me”

The facts are important and show how things really are

“Prove to me how much you appreciate me, how much you care for me, how much you love me through your actions. I no longer want to hear empty words that do not materialize in deeds. “

It’s time to stop believing blindly and not get carried away. Give up hope that everything will change, because reality can only be as it is. Avoid always falling into the same trap. Keep your eyes wide open from the beginning and say no to vain expectations and dreams that will never come true.

Turn that mistake into a learning experience. Show those around you that the forgiveness you offer is sincere and always be consistent in your words and actions. Facts are important, not words, because their effects are tangible.

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