Dunning-Kruger Effect – Why Does It Occur?

Today we will talk about the Dunning-Kruger effect. First, does the incompetence of some people make them unable to be aware of their flaws? Let’s go beyond intelligence and see why people who are the most confident are often the least capable.
The Dunning-Kruger effect - why does it occur?

The Dunning-Kruger effect is the inability to make an objective assessment of one’s abilities, taking into account the degree of readiness. So, do you think that people with less academic training can adequately assess their own limitations?

For example, a person prescribes medication on his own without medical knowledge. People irrationally assume that they know everything about the effect of self-medication. And those who are well prepared tend to think twice.

What is the Dunning-Kruger effect?

The Dunning-Kruger effect means that someone is prone to overestimate their abilities in a certain field, even if they do not master a subject well. Also, truly qualified people tend not to have self-confidence.

But how did this theory come about? In the 1990s, David Dunning and Justin Kruger demonstrated that incompetent people were unable to realize that they were incompetent. Ironically, this is due to their incompetence!

However, it is a mistake to use this theory. It is not about the incompetence of others, but about one’s own incompetence. We need to ask ourselves if we are aware of our own incompetence in certain areas.

We can easily recognize someone who is not able to realize their own incompetence and is trying to leave another impression. However, there is no way to determine whether the person is in fact unaware of their own lack of skills.

Girl affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect
Competent people can underestimate themselves, fearing that they might do something wrong.

The causes of this behavior

This effect is known as a cognitive bias and prevents people from evaluating themselves objectively. According to the authors, Dunning and Kruger, this phenomenon occurs due to a problem of metacognition (the ability to analyze their own performance).

The premise is this: people with limited knowledge about a subject have a double burden. Not only do they reach erroneous conclusions and make constant mistakes, but their own incompetence affects their ability to figure out what is happening.

Self-esteem is an important factor in the emergence of confidence, as is the case with the Dunning-Kruger effect. Any superiority complex actually hides an inferiority complex and self-esteem issues.

People often choose to claim to be exceptional and do not accept the reality of not having knowledge in a certain field. There may even be people with a high level of intelligence who overestimate their abilities.

The Dunning-Kruger effect: examples from everyday life

Ways to avoid

What do you need to do to avoid this cognitive bias? Adopt the habit of questioning your own opinions. Ask yourself questions that dismantle your beliefs in order to reach an objective opinion.

Another good way to get to know your own abilities is to look for updated information from time to time. People who respect what they have learned and do not bother to keep looking for new information will end up exaggerating what they know.

Women discussing the Dunning-Kruger effect
Every time someone gives us advice, we need to consider this effect.

What do studies say about the Dunning-Kruger effect?

Studies show that the Dunning-Kruger effect is not an easy way to explain why people cannot see their mistakes. There are articles on this topic, but the process is a difficult effect to analyze.

Some research has shown that people can notice the difficulties they have in certain areas. However, proponents of the original study, Dunning and Kruger, argue that people who are very confident in their abilities tend to overlook their own shortcomings. Their level of confidence prevents them from having a capacity for self-criticism and acceptance of mistakes. Instead, change the reality as you see fit.

How to deal with people affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect?

It is natural to feel helpless when you are in the presence of people with simplistic opinions about topics they do not master. Be calm and remember that you are not the one who has a problem. If you allow someone to change your mood, then you give them strength.

Being able to accept other people’s opinions, no matter how crazy, you will be closer to reaching a high level of emotional maturity. No one is obliged to agree with your opinions, even if you are right.

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