Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach: 10 Benefits

Water consumed on an empty stomach accelerates the process of eliminating toxins filtered by the body during the night.
Water consumption on an empty stomach: 10 benefits

Drinking water on an empty stomach every day is one of the healthiest habits. Although it does not seem so important to some people, the truth is that a glass of water drunk immediately after waking up is more beneficial than one drunk at any other time of the day. 

While you sleep, your body performs important functions: it repairs damaged cells and cleanses the inside, filtering toxins and preparing them to be eliminated. That is why it is important to drink water on an empty stomach, because a single glass can speed up the process of eliminating toxins filtered by the body during the night.

Drinking water on an empty stomach is good for the skin

Drinking water on an empty stomach is good for the skin

Drinking water on an empty stomach is good for the health and beauty of the skin. The body needs to be properly hydrated to start its activity in the morning, strengthen skin cells, eliminate toxins and keep the skin elastic, young and free of wrinkles.

It is a diuretic

To eliminate toxins and wastes from the body, it is important to stimulate kidney function by consuming enough fluids. Water on an empty stomach helps to eliminate waste accumulated in the kidneys through urine.

Hydrates the lymphatic system

Consumption of water on an empty stomach is essential for hydrating the lymphatic system and preventing adrenal fatigue, which is responsible for the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Improves digestion

Drinking water on an empty stomach improves digestion

Drinking water on an empty stomach stimulates digestion. This habit helps cleanse the digestive tract of toxins, improving intestinal transit and preparing it to receive and digest food.

Accelerates metabolism

Water is essential for the proper functioning of the renal system, which is responsible for burning fat. When you do not have enough water in your body, this task falls to the liver. Thus, you may face liver problems, disease and a decrease in metabolic rate.

Improves physical performance

Water consumption is vital for lubricating joints, muscles and ligaments. It is recommended to drink water every morning to hydrate and energize the body.

People who play a sport or exercise need to increase their water intake to replenish their fluid reserves lost during training.

Prevents urinary tract infections

Drinking water on an empty stomach prevents urinary tract infections

Drinking water on an empty stomach decreases the risk of developing urinary tract infections, such as cystitis. When a person is dehydrated and their kidneys do not have enough fluids, they increase their risk of developing a urinary tract infection.

Fights water retention

Water retention is a problem most often caused by an excess of sodium in the body and other unhealthy eating habits.

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps eliminate fluids retained in the body, reduces inflammation and prevents many diseases.

Relieves pain

Water consumption is associated with reduced symptoms and pain in conditions such as arthritis, tachycardia, asthma, bronchitis, kidney disease, constipation, premenstrual syndrome and migraines.

Regulates body temperature

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps regulate body temperature. This fluid improves the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.


  • The benefits of water consumption are innumerable. However, it  is necessary to drink at least two liters throughout the day in order to enjoy them.
  • You should not exceed this amount either, as this can affect the kidneys. Yes, water is good for the body, but if consumed in excess, it can lead to hyperhydration and kidney overload. 
  • The recommended amount of water for daily consumption is 35 ml / kg body weight. For example, a 55 kg person should consume about 2 liters of water a day.

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