Causes Of Abdominal Fat And Elimination Methods

Exercise is vital to maintaining a healthy weight. Moreover, they help you remove fat from the waist.
Causes of abdominal fat and methods of elimination

Abdominal fat is a problem for many people, even if they are not overweight. Unfortunately, many people find that it is difficult to eliminate, despite the diets and treatments they try. The solution would be to find out the causes of abdominal fat. 

It is possible that their efforts will be directed in the wrong direction, and the solution for removing belly fat will be simpler than they thought.

In this article we present the causes of abdominal fat. We focus especially on the following factors: protein deficiency, hormonal disorders, lack of exercise and inadequate body posture.

Causes of abdominal fat

Causes of abdominal fat in women

We know that overweight people have excess body fat or certain parts affected by water retention. It can be the abdomen, thighs, arms, back, buttocks, etc.

One of the most common problems for middle-aged women and men is abdominal fat. 

There are even lean people who have a belly and struggle to eliminate this fat, even if they have lost weight slightly in other parts of the body. In the following we show you what could be the causes of abdominal fat that is difficult to eliminate.

An unhealthy diet

Unhealthy eating is among the causes of abdominal fat

When we ask ourselves what could be the cause of belly fat and how to get rid of it, we think it would be good to reduce the calorie intake.

Fortunately, however, the option of consuming high-quality, unprocessed foods at the expense of reducing calories is becoming increasingly popular.

It is advisable to adopt a balanced diet to eliminate abdominal fat, taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Add a portion of protein to each meal, alternating between animal protein (preferably organic) and vegetable protein (legumes, nuts, avocado).
  • Replace refined cereals with whole grains.
  • Eliminate sugar from your diet and consume honey, molasses, whole cane sugar, etc.
  • Give up processed and hydrogenated fats, present in margarine, fried foods or confectionery. Instead, opt for healthy fats from cold-pressed oils (olive, coconut, sesame or flaxseed oil), avocado, nuts, seeds, cold-water ocean fish, butter or ghee.

Food intolerances

There are people who suffer from food intolerances, not being aware of it. Intolerances cause discomfort, bloating and  digestive disorders.

If you suspect that this could be your case, there are several analyzes that can confirm or refute your suspicion. The most common intolerances are those to gluten and lactose.


Sedentary lifestyle is one of the causes of abdominal fat

Exercise is vital to maintaining a healthy weight. Moreover, they help you remove fat from the waist. Sedentary lifestyle can lead to the accumulation of fat on the abdomen.

It is best to do high or medium intensity exercises. Two or three half-hour sessions a week are enough.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders can also be one of the causes of abdominal fat. We are talking especially about premenopausal and menopausal women. But even young women who have high estrogen levels may experience hormonal disorders.

A balanced diet is also vital for hormone regulation. Supplements such as maca, honey and yam are also very helpful. For menopausal women, the first oil can also be a great choice.

Fortunately, certain hormonal disorders go away on their own over time, as the body naturally recovers on its own.

Improper body posture

If none of the above factors apply to you, abdominal fat may appear as a result of improper body posture.

Many people who suffer from spinal deviations, such as lordosis or scoliosis, have excess fat on the sides of the body. This distribution of fat is a method used by the human body to help the individual in question to maintain balance in an upright position.

To solve this problem, it is advisable to do post-re-education exercises. They help you relax and improve the flexibility and endurance of your spine and abdomen. Make an appointment with your therapist to enjoy these benefits.

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