Causes And Symptoms Of Atelectasis

This condition can occur after trauma, general anesthesia or other things. In today’s article, we will tell you all about the symptoms and causes of atelectasis.
Causes and symptoms of atelectasis

The word atelectasis comes from the splints-vs (incomplete) and ectasis (expansion). It is a disorder in which part of the lung is short of air and gives way. Today, we will tell you all about the causes and symptoms of atelectasis.

This condition can involve the whole lung or just a part (a lobe). It usually occurs as a result of airway obstruction or pressure on the outside of the lung. Therefore, the alveoli deflate or fill with liquid.

This is a common complication when it comes to certain respiratory problems. For example, it can occur in patients with cystic fibrosis, lung tumors, chest surgery, etc. In fact, it can also occur when a person inhales a foreign object. Those who experience atelectasis may have difficulty breathing.

In the paragraphs below, you will discover everything you need to know about this disease.

Symptoms of atelectasis

Human lungs

When talking about the causes and symptoms of atelectasis, it is important to differentiate between this condition and pneumothorax. Pneumothorax occurs when air escapes from the lungs. Atelectasis is a decrease in the amount of air with a loss of volume of the affected lung, while pneumothorax is the presence of air in the pleura.

Atelectasis does not produce clear symptoms. In fact, when it affects only part of the lung or develops slowly, the symptoms can be imperceptible. On the other hand, if it affects a large number of alveoli, then the symptoms can be very serious. The same is true when the disorder develops rapidly.

Among the symptoms of atelectasis, we can mention the following:

  • Whistling

Causes of atelectasis

First, atelectasis can be caused by an obstruction of the bronchial tubes of the bronchioles. It can also occur as a result of pressure on the outside of the lung.

Moreover, general anesthesia is another common cause. This changes the regular rhythm of breathing and therefore affects the exchange of gases. Therefore, anesthesia may cause the alveoli to deflate. Almost all people who undergo major surgery develop some degree of atelectasis.

To mention the most common causes of atelectasis, we must distinguish between obstructive and non-obstructive atelectasis.

Diagnosis of atelectasis

Physician analyzing atelectasis symptoms

For the diagnosis of atelectasis, a suitable clinical examination and an X-ray are sufficient. In addition, doctors can use a number of techniques to confirm the diagnosis or to determine the severity of the disease.

These techniques include computed tomography, bronchoscopy, ultrasound and oximetry. In fact, bronchoscopy allows the observation of obstructions and even the removal of the blockage.

Treatment of atelectasis


Atelectasis is a disorder that can easily go unnoticed. However, it can also be a serious problem and the result of an underlying condition. Therefore, it is important to know the causes and symptoms of atelectasis to determine the best treatment, if necessary.

If you have difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

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