Buckwheat Honey: Description And Properties

Buckwheat honey is medicinal and has a special taste. It is full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are excellent for health.
Buckwheat honey: description and properties

Few people know that there are over 300 types of honey and they have probably not even heard of buckwheat honey. Buckwheat honey has a dark color, and its aroma and smell resemble molasses.

This natural substance is produced by bees from pollen collected from plants. It has been considered a treasure for centuries. In fact, the Greeks, Egyptians, Mayans, and Babylonians were aware of its nutritional properties, so they used it for medicinal purposes.

It has a high content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. We also know that honey promotes wound healing, soothes coughs and fights infections. Below, we will discuss the characteristics of buckwheat honey and how to use it in everyday life.

What is buckwheat?

This name often confuses people. It is not related to common wheat and is not a cereal. Buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum ) is a grain of a plant from the Polygonaceae family . Its fruits have a triangular shape and a dark color.

Buckwheat cultivation is widespread throughout the world, but is very common in Europe, Russia, the United States and Asia. One of its strengths is that it does not contain gluten and you can use it as you would with a cereal.

There are many dishes made with this ingredient in some countries. Japanese stove noodles, Galettes Bretonnes (salty pancakes typical of Brittany), blini in Eastern Europe or kasha in Russia, for example.

Buckwheat grains and flour
Buckwheat is a gluten-free food. It also provides significant amounts of antioxidants.

Buckwheat honey: characteristics

Buckwheat honey has different characteristics from other better known varieties, such as flower honey, rosemary or eucalyptus. Its color may vary slightly depending on the time and place of collection of buckwheat pollen. Its shades vary between copper yellow and black, but the most common color is reddish amber.

The sweet aroma predominates, of course, although buckwheat honey is not as sweet as most types of honey. It also leaves a slightly bitter aroma in the mouth, which can sometimes be unpleasant. This type of aromatic honey can remind you of beer, bread or sugar cane.

In general, its consistency is viscous and not very fluid and tends to crystallize quickly. It is thick, resembling soaked butter.

Benefits and uses of buckwheat honey

Buckwheat honey is healthy
People appreciate buckwheat honey due to its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Therefore, it is a common adjuvant against certain infections.

Culinary recommendations

One of the most common and widespread ways of using honey is by adding it to herbal teas or hot infusions. All you have to do is dilute it in a hot drink.

However, do not exceed the recommended dose of one teaspoon per cup for adults and half a teaspoon for young children. It is also very important to know that its use is not suitable for children under 1 year of age, due to the risk of botulism.

Buckwheat honey a good sweetener, which can easily replace regular sugar. Add a teaspoon to various dishes or desserts, such as:

The ability of honey to attract water is excellent for cakes, buns and other pastries. It makes them wetter and thus more special and more pleasant to the taste.

You can also make a spongier bread by mixing honey in the yeast dough. Also, honey is excellent for breakfast spread on toast.

Also use it in savory recipes with a sweet note, such as:

Buckwheat honey, a healthy option

Buckwheat honey has a different color, texture and flavor than other types of honey. Even so, it is a nutritious product that you can easily incorporate into your diet in moderate amounts. It is wonderful both in sweet and savory dishes, as well as in herbal infusions, teas or plain water.

Locally, you can apply it to wounds and superficial burns, because it helps the healing process and prevents infections. Apply a thin layer on the desired area and cover with a clean bandage. Are you ready to try it?

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