Breakfast – 6 Common Mistakes

If you want the breakfast you serve to supply you with all the energy you need to cope with a new day, opt for healthy foods and don’t limit yourself to just one cup of coffee. Read on to find out the main mistakes most of us make at breakfast!
Breakfast - 6 common mistakes

Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. After the hours of rest in which we do not eat anything, this first meal helps us to solve our daily chores. If we skip breakfast, we feel tired and irritable all day.

By serving breakfast, we supply our body with the first dose of energy it needs to cope with the day. For this reason, it is essential to be careful what foods we eat at this meal.

In today’s article we want to draw your attention to some common mistakes that many of us are guilty of.

6 common mistakes we make at breakfast

1. We don’t eat anything

It is wrong not to eat anything for breakfast

This major mistake is very common, especially among young people. Due to the rush, they forget to serve breakfast or intentionally skip this meal. We may also not be hungry when we wake up.

If you are accustomed to skipping breakfast, find out that this habit can cause gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers, gastritis and hyperacidity. All these disorders are accompanied by pain.

Many people follow restrictive diets that involve avoiding certain foods for several hours. This type of diet should be avoided unless expressly recommended by a physician. To “recharge your batteries”, you need to eat well at the first meal of the day.

2. We do not consume enough protein

To get your day off to a good start, you need an adequate dose of protein for breakfast. A simple bowl of cereal is not enough to cope with the early hours of the morning. In fact, many of us make the mistake of serving milk-free cereals, thus missing out on an essential source of protein.

An alternative to dairy cereals is a slice of wholemeal toast. You can serve the bread with a little avocado or a few scrambled eggs. Remember, if you fail to get the required dose of protein for breakfast, you will get hungry again in a short time.

It is advisable to eat fiber for breakfast

3. We do not consume enough fiber

If you serve too much sugar for breakfast, you will be hungry again immediately. Sugar is digested very quickly, but you can counteract this effect by consuming enough fiber. They provide a lasting feeling of satiety.

We advise you to include at least five grams of fiber in your breakfast menu and to reduce your sugar intake. Ideally, avoid refined sugars altogether. Sugar-sweetened cereals are not a recommended option. A healthy breakfast should include vegetables, grains or seeds and a fruit.

4. We eat too little

This is one of the most common mistakes we make at breakfast. Many of us have the impression that if we eat a fruit on the way to work or school, we can foam that we have served a proper breakfast. But this is not the case.

We need to set aside a few minutes each morning to serve a balanced meal. It is essential to consume an adequate amount of carbohydrates, fiber, protein and fat. In addition, so that you do not get hungry until noon, we advise you to consume at least 300-400 calories for breakfast.

The best options are:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • High quality proteins
  • Complex carbohydrates
  • Healthy fats, such as dried fruit, seeds or olive oil

If you are used to training very intensely in the morning, it is possible for your body to go into shock and burn muscle mass instead of fat.

To avoid this problem, serve a light snack before going to the gym to supply your body with fiber, complex carbohydrates and essential amino acids.

5. We do not consume fat

A very popular idea is that breakfast should be healthy, but low in food — preferably completely fat-free. As you already suspect, this conception is wrong.

Fat-free meals do not give us a feeling of lasting satiety. In fact, we may become hungry again just an hour after we eat. For this reason, instead of serving skim yogurt for breakfast, it is advisable to replace this product with one that has a moderate fat content.

If you do not want to give up skim products, add some dried fruit in them, so that you do not get hungry too soon. Of course, you need to serve a healthy and complete meal. A jar of yogurt and some dried fruit is not a complete breakfast.

6. We serve breakfast too late

Breakfast must be served within 60 minutes of waking up. The longer we postpone this meal, the hungrier we will be when we finally serve it. As a result, the risk of not getting tired increases considerably.

Lack of time is not an acceptable excuse. Since we need to serve a complete and healthy meal, it is important to plan our menu in advance and find out how to take advantage of the food available so as not to waste a lot of time.

Remember, serving a full breakfast helps us have energy throughout the day. Avoid the mistakes presented in this article!

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