Boldo Tea Helps Treat Urinary Disorders

Boldo tea can be the best ally in the effective treatment of urinary tract infections, because it has diuretic, detoxifying and antioxidant properties that alleviate the condition. 
Boldo tea helps to treat urinary disorders

There are many natural remedies to fight urinary tract infections, from teas and dishes to prophylactic measures. Today we tell you about boldo tea, a plant known in natural medicine for its therapeutic properties.

What is boldo?

Boldo is a plant native to the Andes region. Due to its special properties, the indigenous peoples of South America have long used it as a medicinal remedy.

Among others, boldo contains essential oil of ascaridol and eucalyptol, flavonoids and tannins that offer many benefits. In addition, this plant stands out for its digestive, diuretic, antioxidant, sedative and expectorant properties.

The benefits of boldo tea

Boldo offers many health benefits, including:

  • Contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system, if you suffer from constipation or indigestion.
  • Helps eliminate intestinal gas.
  • Increases saliva production in people with dry mouth.
  • It is purifying, as it helps eliminate toxins and protects the liver. 
  • Helps heal dislocations and relieves the symptoms of rheumatism.
  • Stimulates bile in the elimination of gallstones.
  • Helps eliminate fluids from the body. This plant is a good remedy for cystitis, nephritis and other urinary disorders.

However, even if boldo has so many benefits, you should not consume it for more than four weeks. Excessive consumption can have unpleasant side effects.

As it has laxative properties, it is not recommended to drink boldo tea if you suffer from diarrhea. Boldo is not recommended for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding, because it has a high content of alkaloids.

What are urinary disorders?

Boldo tea relieves urinary disorders in women

In general, urinary tract diseases are caused by infections in the kidneys, bladder, prostate, ureters or urethra. These are the second most common types of infections.

Urinary tract infections develop when pathogens enter the urinary tract, either through the lower part of the excretory system or through the blood, reaching the kidneys. Usually, these conditions are asymptomatic, being difficult to diagnose.

If you have a urinary tract infection, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain or stinging when urinating
  • Pressure or pain in the lower abdomen
  • Fever, fatigue or chills
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Urine foul-smelling, cloudy or dark in color

Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men. The risk of getting sick is higher for people who:

  • They need an external device to empty the bladder.
  • He has diabetes.
  • He has a spinal cord injury.

Boldo tea fights urinary tract infections

Boldo tea as a remedy for urinary tract infections

As already mentioned, boldo tea is known for its therapeutic properties. One of its effects is to fight urinary tract infections.


  • 2 teaspoons boldo (30 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Add a few boldo leaves to a saucepan with water and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • After boiling, take the tea off the heat and let it sit aside to cool a little.
  • It is recommended to drink this infusion 2-3 times a day for a week. 
  • Another option would be to use boldo tea as a base for fruit drinks.

Although boldo tea is a 100% natural remedy, it is important to go to the doctor when you notice the presence of symptoms of urinary tract infections. Following the necessary analyzes, the specialist doctor can establish a correct diagnosis and can prescribe you an appropriate treatment. 

At the same time, take into account possible natural remedies, such as boldo tea, which can successfully supplement drug treatment.

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