Bleeding Hemorrhoids – 7 Natural Remedies

One of the most effective ways to prevent hemorrhoid pain is to follow a balanced diet. If you choose to eat foods high in fiber, your body will be able to eliminate waste more easily. In today’s article we present everything you need to know about this topic!
Bleeding hemorrhoids - 7 natural remedies

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant and painful health problem, especially when they involve bleeding. In fact, a high percentage of the population suffers from hemorrhoids at some point. The most vulnerable groups are women who have just given birth and those over 35 years old. But do you know what are the best natural remedies to treat hemorrhoids with bleeding? Read on and you will find out.

7 natural remedies to treat hemorrhoids with bleeding

Usually, the presence of blood in the stool or the appearance of drops of blood on the underwear are discomfort that disappears on its own after a few hours or days. Unfortunately, in the meantime, we will feel a high level of discomfort and pain.

Itching caused by hemorrhoids can become unbearable. In order to feel better, many of us decide to resort to various natural remedies. If you want to know how you can combat the symptoms of hemorrhoids and speed up the healing process, do not hesitate to apply the tricks below.

Drink plenty of water

Hemorrhoids with bleeding that can be treated by drinking water

In addition to helping the body eliminate waste and toxins through urine, sufficient water consumption softens feces. In addition, water helps them to circulate more easily through the intestines, as it lubricates the intestinal walls.

We must remember that stiff and dry stools irritate and scratch the hemorrhoid tissues, which can cause pain and bleeding. Thus, we advise you to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you don’t like it, you can opt for natural juices and teas. However, we do not recommend the consumption of carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol.

Avoid constipation

Constipation and hemorrhoids are a dangerous combination. Your diet should include plenty of whole grains, dried fruits, raisins and green leafy vegetables such as spinach. All these foods help you prevent constipation so that you do not feel pain when going to the toilet.

If the hemorrhoids have started to bleed, constipation can make the problem worse. The effort you will have to make to defecate is not good for the body. Take enough time to defecate and don’t forget: exerting pressure on the rectum aggravates these hemorrhoids with bleeding.

Don’t delay going to the bathroom

Hemorrhoids with bleeding that cannot be treated if we postpone going to the toilet

Many people feel that it is okay to postpone going to the toilet or that they should reduce their number of daily stools. Their reasoning is that these measures speed up the healing of hemorrhoids and stop bleeding. But this conception is wrong.

The reason is simple: if the waste accumulates in excess in the body, it becomes more difficult to eliminate it without experiencing pain or discomfort. Also, your health will suffer because your body will retain certain toxins. Basically, you increase your risk of getting sick, especially if you have bleeding hemorrhoids.

Even if you are tormented by pain due to hemorrhoids, you need to be brave and go to the toilet. If you postpone defecation, the discomfort and pain will increase. The recovery period will be longer and the chances of experiencing bleeding again will be very high.

Reduce your intake of unhealthy foods

Salt is one of the biggest enemies of people who have hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids with bleeding, this food causing water retention.

But what is the relationship between hemorrhoids and inflammation? The body swells due to excessive accumulation of fluid and, at the same time, the blood vessels in the rectum can become inflamed. As a result, you may experience bleeding, pain, and discomfort when you go to the bathroom or sit down.

At the same time, we advise you to reduce your intake of coffee, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, fatty or sweet foods and white flour. All these products produce stiffer and drier feces, which cannot be easily and painlessly removed.

On the other hand, you will have a lot to gain if you follow a balanced diet. A proper diet is not only recommended when you have hemorrhoids, but all the time. It should include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure the dishes you serve include all the main food groups.

Make sure you have proper personal hygiene

Bleeding hemorrhoids that are treated with proper hygiene

In the case of hemorrhages with bleeding, the risk of burning sensations or developing an infection increases. Every time you go to the toilet, wash with cold or lukewarm water.

Do not use toilet paper, as this product may cause irritation and aggravate bleeding. Also, do not allow blood to dry around your anus or underwear.

A good way to clean the anus is by sitting baths. All you have to do is immerse this area in a container with warm water. Let the water act for a few minutes, until the discomfort disappears. But do not wipe yourself with a towel, this object having the same effect as toilet paper.

Avoid sitting for a long time

Whether you have hemorrhoids or bleeding hemorrhoids, one of the most harmful things you can do is sit down for hours. Even if your job requires you to sit in front of a computer all day, stand up for a few minutes every hour. Move around the office a bit and you’ll have a lot to gain.

This habit stimulates blood flow, preventing the accumulation of blood in the rectum, which can cause pain and discomfort.

We do not advise you to try more intense physical activities, such as weightlifting, spinning classes or tennis. As long as you have hemorrhoids, opt only for relaxing activities such as swimming, yoga and walking.

Use natural therapies

Bleeding hemorrhoids that can be treated with aloe vera
  • Aloe vera is one of the best natural remedies. Cut a leaf of this plant lengthwise, remove the thorns and apply the inside of the leaf to the anus. The gel of the plant should come in contact with any hemorrhoids present. In just a few minutes, you will start to feel better.
  • Ice is also an interesting remedy, especially if the discomfort and burning sensation experienced are very intense. Wrap the ice cubes in a cloth before applying them so that they do not come into direct contact with the skin.
  • When you opt for a sitting bath, you can add a tablespoon of Epsom salts to the water. This trick facilitates the healing process.

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