Be Yourself To Be Happy!

It is a mistake to always try to please others. To be happy, it is essential to be yourself, to cultivate your self-esteem and to make a priority of the people who really enrich your life.
Be yourself to be happy!

In order to be yourself, the most important thing is to maintain your self-esteem and not act contrary to your values, no matter what other people want.

“I have not changed. There simply came a time in my life when I had to tell others exactly what they deserved to hear. ” Sometimes you may forget to be yourself. In trying to please everyone, we often do not have the strength or courage to make certain connections that instead of enriching our lives bring us only suffering.

According to a study by the University of Claremont, when we act according to our values ​​and have confidence in ourselves, the level of oxytocin in the brain increases β€” that is, you have to be yourself to be happier.

In essence, it is important to act in accordance with our feelings and values. “I have not changed. If I tell you I don’t want to do that to you, I’m doing it because you’re asking me something contrary to my principles. ” In this article we will show you why it is essential to be yourself to become a happier person.

I have not changed, I simply act in accordance with my values

In order to be yourself, you must not give up your values

The key to happiness in life is not to accumulate wealth or have many friends. You will not be happier if you have a “large collection of people”. So are those who hunt for appreciation for their photos and posts on social networks.

To be happy, you need to maintain close relationships with people who really deserve to be in your life. We are talking here about those people who allow you to be yourself. They do not ask you to do or say things contrary to your opinions and values. Unfortunately, in everyday life it is not easy to limit our interactions only to these special individuals.

We live in a society of appearances and the need to “please” everyone

Don’t forget this essential truth: those who want to be obsessed with everyone obsessively end up unhappy.

  • We all have moments when we want to get and get attention and acceptance. In adolescence we want to get these things from people of the same age as us to feel like we are part of a group. Later, when we become adults, many of us still long for acceptance in the form of the need to be in a relationship.
  • Those who feel the need to be loved by others forget to love themselves.
  • We need to maintain a balance from one day to the next: there is no need to set limits at every step. The essential thing is to learn how to live respecting others, but also ourselves. You must never forget to be yourself.
  • If you feel that you have to pretend to be someone else or you feel something contrary to reality, maybe it’s time to change your environment. If this type of situation remains unchanged for a long time, it can make you go through an identity crisis or lose your self-esteem.
You have to be yourself to be truly free

You must not allow anyone to change you, you must be yourself and love yourself as you are

Most likely you have had to work hard, resign yourself sometimes and discover many new things to get where you are now. Indeed, our personalities have a minor genetic component. However, we are largely shaped by our experiences and the way we look at them.

Life is a path along which you acquire values, beliefs and attitudes. However, you would not give up on these for anyone or anything. To do so would be to stop being yourself.

  • Maybe you started a relationship and realized that it doesn’t work and makes you unhappy. There is a good chance that your partner will say that “you have changed” and that you do not like the same things as before.
  • Don’t be swayed by such comments. Nobody changes overnight. In reality, what happens is that these people have never tried to really know you.

Maintain your self-esteem

In order to be yourself, the most important thing is to maintain your self-esteem  and not act contrary to your values. Being in a relationship as well as living with other people implies the need to make certain compromises. But a compromise is a transaction in which all parties involved must win.

  • To be a life partner, a father or a mother, a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, you need to learn how to listen to others and establish reciprocity.
  • You don’t have to agree with everything the important people in your life think. You don’t even need to have the same hobbies or likes and dislikes as these. You can be yourself, the key is to have common values.
  • Never try to change aspects of your personality. Do not change your interests to please others or not to disappoint them. Trying to live up to the expectations of others will create a dissonance in your life. This can bring you unhappiness.
Be yourself or risk experiencing an identity crisis

Remember, in order to be yourself and not let yourself be controlled by someone else, you must really know yourself. Know your limits and learn how far you are willing to go without compromising your self-esteem. You deserve to be happy!

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