Avocado Seeds: 10 Benefits

You can capitalize on the beneficial properties of avocado kernels both externally, as a beauty treatment, but also internally, as an ingredient in various recipes. Dry them in the sun, then grate them. 
Avocado seeds: 10 benefits

Green avocado pulp contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins, and other substances beneficial to health. But few know that avocado seeds also have wonderful properties, both for the health and beauty of your body.

Although the seeds do not have the same special taste as the fruit, they are just as useful and beneficial, which is why you should not throw them away.

Although it seems hard to believe, avocado seeds are an excellent source of fiber and essential amino acids that prevent and fight many diseases.

Today we offer you 10 reasons why you should capitalize on this extraordinary food. Remember!

1. Avocado seeds improve cardiovascular health

Avocado kernels regulate cholesterol

Experts claim that, in reality, at least 70% of the amino acids present in avocado fruit are found in its seeds.

The essential oils contained in avocado seeds regulate cholesterol levels, blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems that increase the risk of myocardial infarction.

2. Fight digestive infections

Fiber from avocado seeds stimulates digestion and regulates intestinal transit. Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, they can be used to combat diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms associated with bacterial and viral infections.

The phenolic compounds of these seeds  protect the gastric mucosa, preventing the development of ulcers.

3. It could reduce the risk of cancer

Avocado seeds have an anticancer effect

Flavonoids found in avocado seeds are thought to reduce the risk of developing cancer cells and tumors. 

So far, only rodent tests have been performed, but current investigations reveal that the same benefits apply to human body cells.

4. Prevent oxidation

The high antioxidant content of these seeds  repairs damaged tissues and cells due to the action of free radicals.

Essential oils and extracts are among the most effective ways to use avocado seeds to rejuvenate the skin and hair.

If you add this product to your diet, you reduce the risk of diseases associated with aging.

5. Strengthen the immune system

The phenolic compounds present in avocado seeds help to treat viral infections and allergies. 

Consumption of this food increases the number of antibodies and strengthens the immune system, preventing many diseases.

6. Fight pain and inflammation

Avocado seeds fight pain and inflammation

The anti-inflammatory agents present in avocado seeds relieve the pain and stress of patients with arthritis, gastritis and colitis.

Fatty acids improve circulation and stimulate waste disposal, thus reducing tissue inflammation.

7. Prevent wrinkles

Avocado seeds are highly valued for  their ability to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Flavonoids and antioxidants stop the damage caused by free radicals and increase collagen production, increasing the firmness of the skin and giving it a rejuvenated appearance.

8. Improve hair health

People with dry hair, dandruff or split ends can improve the health of their hair with the help of this natural ingredient.

The beneficial fats contained in avocado seeds moisturize the hair  and prevent scalp problems and fungal growth.

9. Regulates the thyroid gland

Avocado seeds regulate the thyroid gland

Nutrients from avocado seeds are very useful for people with thyroid problems, such as hypothyroidism.

If you add them to your diet, they stimulate hormone production and speed up metabolism, being an excellent weapon against obesity.

10. Provides energy

These nutrients increase the level of physical and mental energy. Thus, if you choose to consume this product, you improve your physical and mental performance and become much more productive during the day.

How to capitalize on the benefits of avocado seeds?

Avocado kernels have many benefits

Instead of throwing them away, put them in the sun to dry, and then grate them to get a powder. You can add this powder to soups, smoothies, salads and many other recipes that you can include in your diet.

If you want to use it for cosmetic purposes, you can add it in masks based on yogurt, egg or essential oils. 

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