Aromatherapy For Menstrual Cramps

The aromas of certain essential oils seem to have a calming effect on conditions such as menstrual cramps. We will tell you what the studies show and how to practice aromatherapy at home.
Aromatherapy for menstrual cramps

People have used aromatherapy since ancient times as an adjunct to relieve menstrual pain and other types of pain. This involves the use of essential oils from various plants, which have anti-inflammatory and calming effects, according to several studies. How can you use aromatherapy for menstrual cramps in your home?

Although it is not a first-line treatment for dysmenorrhea, many women have chosen to apply it during menstruation because they feel a pleasant feeling of relief. So what does science have to say about all this? And how can you perform aromatherapy at home? Keep reading!

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a complementary treatment that uses various plant compounds and essential oils whose properties promote relaxation and pain relief. The use of these products involves inhalation or application to the skin (in combination with a carrier oil).

Aromatherapy is popular in traditional Chinese medicine because it is believed to help relieve rheumatoid arthritis, muscle aches and respiratory ailments, among other ailments. However, it is not considered part of conventional medicine due to the lack of evidence to support its effects.

Woman using aromatherapy for menstrual cramps
Essential oils provide flavors that benefit the body.

How does aromatherapy work for menstrual cramps?

One of the most relevant applications of aromatherapy is related to the relief of menstrual pain. For years, many women with primary dysmenorrhea have used this method as an adjunct in relieving symptoms. And, although there are no studies on its effectiveness, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that talks about its benefits.

Both inhalation and massage, this therapy could help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps and other symptoms associated with menstruation. How does this happen? According to some scientists, the explanation lies in the placebo effect.

However, there are hypotheses that suggest that the oils used have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Consequently, they help alleviate the pain and inflammation that occur in the abdomen during menstruation.

As I mentioned, there is not enough evidence to show that aromatherapy relieves menstrual pain. Despite this, there is research that suggests positive effects against dysmenorrhea.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that the therapeutic use of essential oils in aromatherapy can relieve primary dysmenorrhea. Such effects occur both when applied by massage and when inhaled.

A randomized controlled study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that locally applied aromatherapy with lavender, sage and rose is effective in reducing the severity of menstrual cramps.

In addition, research has found that massage with a combination of essential oils (cinnamon, cloves, rose and lavender) and almond oil has been helpful in relieving pain and even excessive bleeding. More studies are needed to clarify this.

How to use aromatherapy for menstrual cramps?

  • runs

Girl who has menstrual cramps
Menstrual cramps and cramps are uncomfortable for many women, to the point of preventing them from carrying out their daily activities.

Aromatherapy warnings

Aromatherapy: a supplement for menstrual cramps

When it comes to relieving menstrual pain, aromatherapy can be a useful supplement. However, it is not a first-line treatment and its effects can only be temporary.

If dysmenorrhea is common and disabling, it is best to consult a doctor. The professional will determine if additional tests are needed and will guide you to other treatment options.

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