Almond Milk For Children: Benefits

Almond milk can be a good substitute for babies who are allergic to cow’s milk proteins. Below, we will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of almond milk for babies.
Almond milk for children: advantages

Almond milk for children has become a fashion in the western world because it can replace dairy products. People who suffer from lactose intolerance can drink it without problems. However, it is not suitable for everyone.

You already know that milk is a good food that should not be replaced unless there is a medical reason to do so. Lactose intolerance must be diagnosed correctly. Otherwise, the person will give up a food capable of providing high quality protein and fat for no reason.

Almond milk for children: at what age can it be consumed and why?

We must remember that exclusive breastfeeding is recommended until the age of six months and with complementary foods until the age of two years. It is important to gradually introduce food into the baby’s diet and to remember the pediatrician’s instructions.

From a scientific point of view, nuts can be introduced into the diet from the age of six months. However, experts first recommend crushing them to avoid suffocation. Almond milk is suitable for children after the age of six months.

However, you need to be very careful about the almond milk product you choose. Many products contain added sugars, which reduces their nutritional value. Excessive intake of simple carbohydrates negatively affects children’s health. A study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition states this.

Almond milk for children
Walnut milk can be included in the baby’s diet after the age of six months.

Benefits of almond milk for children

Almond milk is an excellent option for children who cannot consume cow’s milk due to allergic processes. Obviously, breastfeeding must always be a priority.

However, if there is any limiting factor for breastfeeding, you can give your baby a bottle of walnut milk. In this way, processes that stimulate inflammatory reactions can be avoided.

The body's immune response
Zinc is a nutritional element that experts have linked to the improved efficiency of the immune system in children and adults.

Contraindications and disadvantages of almond milk for children

We have already mentioned that breast milk is the best food for babies. Alternatively, cow’s milk also has an interesting nutritional contribution. Almond milk lacks certain healthy proteins and fats.

In addition, some versions contain a lot of added sugars, which affect the metabolic health of the body. In this regard, it is crucial to read the labels to avoid ultra-processed options that are not very healthy.

The best option is almond milk which contains a lot of water and nut residue. However, it is somewhat bland and not very nutritious. Although it can reduce your child’s risk of developing allergies, you should consider adding high-quality foods to your child’s diet.

Almond milk for children is an option for little ones suffering from allergies

As I explained throughout this article, almond milk for children can prevent the development of allergies and can replace the consumption of cow’s milk in children who are intolerant or who show autoimmune responses when exposed to animal proteins.

You can add it to your baby’s diet after he is six months old. However, the preferred option will always be breastfeeding. Breast milk is able to provide all the nutrients that the baby needs to develop properly.

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