Abnormal Vaginal Secretions: Natural Remedies

Hygiene and healthy habits are very important, but if vaginal secretions change their appearance or smell, they are not enough. Natural treatments can be very helpful. 
Abnormal vaginal discharge: natural remedies

Having vaginal discharge is normal and even beneficial for a woman’s health. You don’t have to worry if you see a damp spot on your underwear, but rather if your vagina is unusually dry.

The reason why it is important to maintain a balance is that  moisture helps protect this intimate area, preventing the development of infections and fungi. In addition, it is important for lubrication during intercourse.

Normal vaginal discharge is transparent and can sometimes be slightly whitish or yellowish. It usually does not have a strong odor and is relatively unnoticeable.

But occasionally these vaginal secretions can change color or get a strong odor. 

In the second case, it may be a fungal infection caused by a change in the natural pH of the vagina.

Fortunately, there are many natural treatments that can reduce or completely eliminate these annoying symptoms. Try them too!

1. Fenugreek tea for abnormal vaginal discharge

Fenugreek tea regulates vaginal secretions

Fenugreek is a plant with incredible medicinal properties. It is highly recommended for women because it helps restore hormonal balance and regulate the menstrual cycle. 

Some experts claim that fenugreek has properties similar to estrogen, being very helpful for women during menopause.


  • 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds (10 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)

How to proceed?

  • Crush the fenugreek seeds, using the pestle mortar.
  • Bring the water to a boil and add the seeds.
  • Cover the bowl and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Drink this tea twice a day for 10 days.
  • You can also use it for local washes.

2. Simple yogurt for vaginal secretions

Yogurt is one of the best natural products to fight fungi and bacteria that can cause vaginal infections.

This effect is due to its content of lactobacilli, healthy bacteria that regulate the vaginal flora and produce changes in that environment so that it is no longer conducive to the development of pathogens.


  • 1/2 cup yogurt

How to proceed?

  • To keep infections and fungi at bay, it is best to eat at least half a cup of yogurt a day.
  • If it is too late for preventative measures, you can soak a piece of cotton wool in yogurt and apply it on the outside of the vagina.
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes, rinse and reapply up to three times a day, as long as it is needed to treat the infection.

3. Garlic

Garlic treats abnormal vaginal secretions

Garlic is considered one of the most powerful natural antibiotics. Its active compounds eliminate hundreds of viruses, bacteria and fungi that cause infections.

Daily consumption of garlic helps to eliminate the smell caused by candida, without changing the pH of the vagina.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)

How to proceed?

  • Grind the garlic clove and put it in the cup of warm water.
  • Let the mixture stand for 10 minutes, then drink it like a tea.
  • If possible, consume this treatment every day for at least two weeks.

4. Milk and turmeric

The combination of milk and turmeric is a simple antibacterial treatment that eliminates infections and protects the entire vaginal region.

This is an effective treatment for bacterial vaginitis, but also for vaginal dryness.


  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric (5 g)
  • 1 cup of milk

How to proceed?

  • Heat the milk and add the turmeric powder.
  • Drink the mixture while it is hot.

5. Guava leaf tea

Guava leaves regulate vaginal secretions

Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. They are ideal for combating menstrual cramps and are an excellent solution for excess vaginal discharge.


  • 10 guava leaves
  • 1 liter of water

How to proceed?

  • Heat the water and add the guava leaves. Bring to a boil over medium heat until the liquid is reduced by half.
  • Take the pot off the heat and let it sit aside, then rinse your vaginal area with this liquid.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day for a week.

Remember that it is advisable to choose only one of the treatments listed above, as the combination of two or more remedies can cause side effects. In addition to applying the treatment, adopt a proper hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.


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