How To Live More Aware Of The World Around

Living consciously of who you are and what surrounds you is the best way to achieve harmony. Read on to find out what you need to do to live more consciously!
How to live more aware of the world around you

Nowadays, with so many media and distractions that invite us to focus on other things and not on ourselves, conscious living is becoming more and more difficult. It seems that our inner self is becoming less and less attractive. But why should you live more consciously? Why do you have to explore your own experiences?

It is not just a matter of self-connection, but of being fully aware of the time and circumstances in which we live. Analyzing these answers is part of what we will address in this article. We will analyze what it means to live consciously, what prevents us from doing it and what we can do to achieve this.

What does it mean to live more consciously?

To live more consciously means to know what you are, who you are, what your place is in the world and what your place is in relation to the other people around you. It is about being aware of your responsibilities, qualities and virtues and recognizing your negative side.

This brings us to the design concept of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Dasein means “to be in the world”, to be located in it dynamically, experimenting and living. In short, it is a relationship with one’s own being.

Remembering the great Spanish thinker José Ortega y Gasset, conscious life has to do with us, our circumstances and what we do in the world in which we live.

What prevents us from living consciously in the present?

Bored man on TV
Boredom has the ability to take us out of the present moment and prevents us from enjoying what is happening around us.

Tips to live more consciously

Meditation is the beginning of conscious life. When we meditate, we do nothing but be here, in the present moment, living in this moment.

Meditation has been shown to have beneficial biopsychosocial effects in various areas of human life, both in terms of emotional states and in cognitive processes and general health. It even influences the symptoms of chronic diseases.

Thus, adopting the practice of meditation as a daily habit helps us to live consciously and not to think anxiously about what is to come or with resentments about what has already happened.

Setting expectations makes us unable to accept anything. Similarly, this belief that things should be different exhausts us and prevents us from seeing what is around us.

Of course, we can change for the better and try to improve. Acceptance does not mean that you have to agree and be content with a little. Rather, it means putting aside the attitude of denial and the eternal battle against the world.

At the same time, the judgments we have about ourselves or the fear of the judgments of others take us away from reality, creating a distorted idea of ​​what we expect or what others expect of us.

Life may not seem perfect, but no one said it had to be. There are moments or events that we find unpleasant. And yet, for every detail we don’t like, there’s another one that makes up for it. If we observe the first and not the last, it is because we focus too much on evil.

We cannot simply live one happy moment after another. However, we cannot live in constant sadness. French writer Albert Camus said you can’t always be happy or permanently unhappy.

At the same time, if we are grateful, we see what we have and forget what we lack. This is the essence of conscious living.

A woman who knows how to live more consciously
There is no single way to meditate. Everyone should find the one that best suits their lifestyle.

The mindfulness technique means being in touch with the reality of the present moment, in full awareness of what you are doing, without thinking or wanting anything else. Living consciously and carefully is as inseparable as the two sides of the same coin.

Several studies show that the mindfulness technique is effective in treating stress and other psychological problems, being already introduced in several psychotherapy programs.

Mindfulness is something we can achieve through practice, avoiding everything that distracts us from what we do and striving to stay focused on a single task.

Many activities help us learn the difficult but necessary art of mindfulness and conscious living. Among them, we have the following:

The benefits of conscious living in the present

If we do not allow ourselves to experience the life we ​​live, we will not gain the knowledge that each experience provides. Learning will be null and void and we will be condemned to repeat the same mistakes.

When we go through life consciously, we are more open to learning from what surrounds us and from ourselves. We cope better with suffering and stress.

Being able to live consciously in the present is within our reach. Our future existence will depend on this, much more than on the other things we cannot control.

We can free ourselves from unnecessary suffering. All we have to do is leave the place where we took refuge, reduce the volume of noise coming from outside, open our eyes to what we have inside and dare to really live.

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