A Diet For Slimming The Waist In 3 Days

To thin your waist, it is essential to avoid serving snacks between meals. Although you have the impression that you do not eat much, you must follow this advice if you want to get the much dreamed figure.
A diet for slimming the waist in 3 days

Did you know that there is a diet for slimming your waist that helps you shape your figure in just 3 days? Slimming the waist is often a difficult goal to achieve, which robs us of a lot of time. For many women, this region is very “stubborn”.

In most cases, however, we can prevent the deposition of fat around the waist. We just have to be willing to change our daily habits.

In today’s article we propose a diet for slimming your waist for 3 days. In addition to helping you burn extra pounds, the following diet plan will also help you eliminate toxins.

Is it possible to thin your waist in just 3 days?

Diet for slimming the waist that gives results

Reading the title of this article, you probably suspect that we will be talking about a “miraculous” diet, which will endanger your health. In reality, we present you a healthy and balanced diet plan that, supplemented with certain beneficial habits, will help you lose weight quickly.

If you decide to follow this 3-day diet for longer or continue to follow its principles, your body will be grateful. At the same time, you will continue to lose weight gradually.

The secret to success

In order for this slimming diet to work, it is advisable to take into account certain aspects:

  • Portion size is very important and varies from person to person. Avoid eating until you feel like you can’t and learn how to end your meal as soon as you’re not hungry — that is, when you’re 80 percent “full.”
  • Desserts are dangerous. In general, we opt for sweet dishes that fatten and affect the waist.
  • Many of us feel bloated after dinner because we do not chew enough food. Chew well every Sunday until almost liquid.
  • Dinner should be served early. If you get hungry later, opt for a light snack that supports digestion (a glass of vegetable milk, a kiwi, a handful of oily fruit). This simple habit will give you lasting benefits.
  • If you suffer from a digestive disorder, consult a doctor to catch any allergic reaction or neurological disorder that causes chronic inflammation of the intestines.

How to follow this diet for slimming the waist


Diet for slimming the waist with fruit

During the 3 days of the cure, breakfast should be a healthy and nutritious meal, rich in raw foods, beneficial fats and vegetable proteins. This combination will give you a feeling of satiety and vitality, thinning your waist.

Start by making a smoothie:


  • 1 copt kiwi
  • 1 slice of fresh pineapple (you can also use 2 small pears or 1 apple)
  • ½ avocado
  • The leaves of a stem of fresh celery
  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) chia seeds (soaked in water overnight)
  • 15 almonds or hazelnuts (raw or ripe)
  • 1 knife tip of ground ginger
  • 1 tablespoon (15 g) of extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) of ground turmeric
  • A little Stevia rebaudiana (optional ingredient)


  • In addition to the ingredients mentioned above, add a little water or a vegetable drink to facilitate processing.
  • Put all the ingredients in a food processor and process them until you get a fine-textured liquid.
  • Consume the shake obtained throughout the morning.

Lunch and dinner

Diet for slimming the waist with fish

Lunch and dinner should include 2 types of dishes:

  • A portion of raw or cooked vegetables (soups, salads, sauces, creams…)
  • A portion of protein (meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, avocado, cheese, oilseeds)

At lunch, we advise you to opt for raw vegetables and protein sources. At night it is better to eat cooked vegetables and low protein.

  • Consume high quality carbohydrates in small amounts, preferably at lunch (brown rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, spelled wheat, potatoes, cereals, sweet potatoes, cassava bread…).
  • Avoid desserts during the 3 days you follow the diet.
  • Between meals you can serve oily fruits, home-made juices, vegetables, vegetable milk and bananas.

Exercise and stretching

Last but not least, it is important to exercise enough during the treatment and to dedicate half an hour of each day to medium intensity exercises.

This type of physical activity, which involves jumping, kneeling, floating and running, stimulates the metabolism and burns fat, especially that accumulated around the waist.

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